Component-based software engineering GT Heineman, WT Councill Putting the pieces together, addison-westley 5 (1), 2001 | 1885 | 2001 |
Dynamic plan migration for continuous queries over data streams Y Zhu, EA Rundensteiner, GT Heineman Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2004 | 205 | 2004 |
Algorithms in a Nutshell GT Heineman, G Pollice, S Selkow " O'Reilly Media, Inc.", 2016 | 176 | 2016 |
Definition of a software component and its elements B Councill, GT Heineman Component-based software engineering: putting the pieces together, 5-19, 2001 | 132 | 2001 |
Evolving legacy system features into fine-grained components A Mehta, GT Heineman Proceedings of the 24th international Conference on Software Engineering …, 2002 | 103 | 2002 |
An architecture for multi-user software development environments IZ Ben-Shaul, GE Kaiser, GT Heineman Computing Systems 6, 65-65, 1993 | 98 | 1993 |
Component-based dynamic qos adaptations in distributed real-time and embedded systems PK Sharma, JP Loyall, GT Heineman, RE Schantz, R Shapiro, G Duzan OTM Confederated International Conferences" On the Move to Meaningful …, 2004 | 90 | 2004 |
An evaluation of component adaptation techniques GT Heineman, H Ohlenbusch International Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering, 17-18, 1999 | 87 | 1999 |
Joining punctuated streams L Ding, N Mehta, EA Rundensteiner, GT Heineman International Conference on Extending Database Technology, 587-604, 2004 | 76 | 2004 |
Rule chaining in marvel: Dynamic binding of parameters GT Heineman, GE Kaiser, NS Barghouti, IZ Ben-Shaul IEEE expert 7 (6), 26-33, 1992 | 76 | 1992 |
Component-based software engineering: putting the pieces together WT Councill, GT Heineman Addison Weysley 150, 2001 | 72 | 2001 |
A model for designing adaptable software components GT Heineman ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 25 (1), 55-56, 2000 | 72 | 2000 |
Stress Corrosion Cracking in Alkaline Solutions—TP—5C—Sub-Surface Corrosion by Alkaline Solutions A Technical Practices Committee Report. Pub. 51—3 HW Schmidt, PJ Gegner, G Heinemann, CF ROGACAR, EH Wyche Corrosion 7 (9), 295-302, 1951 | 66 | 1951 |
Emerging technologies that support a software process life cycle GT Heineman, JE Botsford, G Caldiera, GE Kaiser, MI Kellner, ... IBM Systems Journal 33 (3), 501-529, 1994 | 49 | 1994 |
The CORD approach to extensible concurrency control GT Heineman, GE Kaiser Proceedings 13th International Conference on Data Engineering, 562-571, 1997 | 35 | 1997 |
Process Evolution in the Marvel Environment. GE Kaiser, I Ben-Shaul, GT Heineman ISPW, 104-106, 1993 | 35 | 1993 |
An architecture for integrating concurrency control into environment frameworks GT Heineman, GE Kaiser Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 1995 | 34 | 1995 |
A transaction manager component for cooperative transaction models. GT Heineman CASCON 93, 910-918, 1993 | 34 | 1993 |
Adaptation and software architecture GT Heineman Proceedings of the third international workshop on Software architecture, 61-64, 1998 | 33 | 1998 |
Integrating groupware and process technologies in the oz environment IZ Ben-Shaul, PD Skopp, GT Heineman, AZ Tong, SS Popovich, G Valetto Proceedings. Ninth International Software Process Workshop, 114-116, 1995 | 33 | 1995 |