Toward a predictive understanding of the fitness costs of heterospecific pollen receipt and its importance in co‐flowering communities TL Ashman, G Arceo‐Gómez American Journal of Botany 100 (6), 1061-1070, 2013 | 239 | 2013 |
Widespread vulnerability of flowering plant seed production to pollinator declines JG Rodger, JM Bennett, M Razanajatovo, TM Knight, M van Kleunen, ... Science advances 7 (42), eabd3524, 2021 | 181 | 2021 |
Pollinators contribute to the maintenance of flowering plant diversity N Wei, RL Kaczorowski, G Arceo-Gómez, EM O’Neill, RA Hayes, ... Nature 597 (7878), 688-692, 2021 | 141 | 2021 |
Land use and pollinator dependency drives global patterns of pollen limitation in the Anthropocene JM Bennett, JA Steets, JH Burns, LA Burkle, JC Vamosi, M Wolowski, ... Nature Communications 11 (1), 3999, 2020 | 141 | 2020 |
Heterospecific pollen deposition: does diversity alter the consequences? G Arceo‐Gómez, TL Ashman New Phytologist 192 (3), 738-746, 2011 | 123 | 2011 |
Patterns of among‐and within‐species variation in heterospecific pollen receipt: the importance of ecological generalization G Arceo‐Gómez, L Abdala‐Roberts, A Jankowiak, C Kohler, GA Meindl, ... American Journal of Botany 103 (3), 396-407, 2016 | 89 | 2016 |
Impacts of plant invasions in native plant–pollinator networks V Parra‐Tabla, G Arceo‐Gómez New Phytologist 230 (6), 2117-2128, 2021 | 71 | 2021 |
Invasion status and phylogenetic relatedness predict cost of heterospecific pollen receipt: implications for native biodiversity decline G Arceo‐Gómez, TL Ashman Journal of Ecology 104 (4), 1003-1008, 2016 | 70 | 2016 |
Among-species differences in pollen quality and quantity limitation: implications for endemics in biodiverse hotspots C Alonso, CM Navarro-Fernández, G Arceo-Gómez, GA Meindl, ... Annals of Botany 112 (7), 1461-1469, 2013 | 64 | 2013 |
GloPL, a global data base on pollen limitation of plant reproduction JM Bennett, JA Steets, JH Burns, W Durka, JC Vamosi, G Arceo-Gómez, ... Scientific Data 5 (1), 1-9, 2018 | 57 | 2018 |
Plant–flower visitor networks in a serpentine metacommunity: assessing traits associated with keystone plant species MH Koski, GA Meindl, G Arceo-Gómez, M Wolowski, KA LeCroy, ... Arthropod-Plant Interactions 9, 9-21, 2015 | 57 | 2015 |
Anther and stigma morphology in mirror‐image flowers of Chamaecrista chamaecristoides (Fabaceae): implications for buzz pollination G Arceo‐Gómez, ML Martínez, V Parra‐Tabla, JG García‐Franco Plant biology 13, 19-24, 2011 | 53 | 2011 |
Taxonomic and functional diversity of the co‐flowering community differentially affect Cakile edentula pollination at different spatial scales C Albor, JG García‐Franco, V Parra‐Tabla, C Díaz‐Castelazo, ... Journal of Ecology 107 (5), 2167-2181, 2019 | 51 | 2019 |
Coflowering Community Context Influences Female Fitness and Alters the Adaptive Value of Flower Longevity in Mimulus guttatus G Arceo-Gómez, TL Ashman The American Naturalist 183 (2), E50-E63, 2014 | 51 | 2014 |
Pollen on stigmas as proxies of pollinator competition and facilitation: complexities, caveats and future directions TL Ashman, C Alonso, V Parra-Tabla, G Arceo-Gómez Annals of Botany 125 (7), 1003-1012, 2020 | 47 | 2020 |
Global geographic patterns of heterospecific pollen receipt help uncover potential ecological and evolutionary impacts across plant communities worldwide AG Gerardo, S Amelia, A Cristopher, A Tia-Lynn, K Tiffany, B Joanne, ... Scientific Reports 8086, 2019 | 46 | 2019 |
Diversity and composition of pollen loads carried by pollinators are primarily driven by insect traits, not floral community characteristics N Cullen, J Xia, N Wei, R Kaczorowski, G Arceo-Gómez, E O’Neill, ... Oecologia 196, 131-143, 2021 | 45 | 2021 |
Interactive effects between donor and recipient species mediate fitness costs of heterospecific pollen receipt in a co-flowering community G Arceo-Gómez, RL Kaczorowski, C Patel, TL Ashman Oecologia 189 (4), 1041-1047, 2019 | 41 | 2019 |
Can plants evolve tolerance mechanisms to heterospecific pollen effects? An experimental test of the adaptive potential in Clarkia species G Arceo‐Gómez, RA Raguso, MA Geber Oikos 125 (5), 718-725, 2016 | 40 | 2016 |
Pollen transfer networks reveal alien species as main heterospecific pollen donors with fitness consequences for natives V Parra‐Tabla, C Alonso, TL Ashman, RA Raguso, C Albor, P Sosenski, ... Journal of Ecology 109 (2), 939-951, 2021 | 38 | 2021 |