Artykuły udostępnione publicznie: - Huixia Judy WangWięcej informacji
Niedostępne w żadnym miejscu: 4
Estimation of high conditional quantiles for heavy-tailed distributions
HJ Wang, D Li, X He
Journal of the American Statistical Association 107 (500), 1453-1464, 2012
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Sequential change point detection in linear quantile regression models
M Zhou, HJ Wang, Y Tang
Statistics & Probability Letters 100, 98-103, 2015
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Extreme quantile estimation for autoregressive models
D Li, HJ Wang
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 37 (4), 661-670, 2019
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Bayesian quantile regression
HJ Wang, Y Yang
Handbook of quantile regression, 41-54, 2017
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation
Dostępne w jakimś miejscu: 51
Noncrossing quantile regression curve estimation
HD Bondell, BJ Reich, H Wang
Biometrika 97 (4), 825-838, 2010
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Posterior inference in Bayesian quantile regression with asymmetric Laplace likelihood
Y Yang, HJ Wang, X He
International Statistical Review 84 (3), 327-344, 2016
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Changes of extreme precipitation and nonlinear influence of climate variables over monsoon region in China
T Gao, HJ Wang, T Zhou
Atmospheric Research 197, 379-389, 2017
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China
‘Putting our heads together’: insights into genomic conservation between human and canine intracranial tumors
R Thomas, SE Duke, HJ Wang, TE Breen, RJ Higgins, KE Linder, P Ellis, ...
Journal of neuro-oncology 94, 333-349, 2009
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Quantile-regression-based clustering for panel data
Y Zhang, HJ Wang, Z Zhu
Journal of Econometrics 213 (1), 54-67, 2019
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Variable selection for censored quantile regresion
HJ Wang, J Zhou, Y Li
Statistica Sinica 23 (1), 145, 2013
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Corrected-loss estimation for quantile regression with covariate measurement errors
HJ Wang, LA Stefanski, Z Zhu
Biometrika 99 (2), 405-421, 2012
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Variance estimation in censored quantile regression via induced smoothing
L Pang, W Lu, HJ Wang
Computational statistics & data analysis 56 (4), 785-796, 2012
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Statistical methods for generalized linear models with covariates subject to detection limits
PW Bernhardt, HJ Wang, D Zhang
Statistics in biosciences 7, 68-89, 2015
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Interquantile shrinkage and variable selection in quantile regression
L Jiang, HD Bondell, HJ Wang
Computational statistics & data analysis 69, 208-219, 2014
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Flexible modeling of survival data with covariates subject to detection limits via multiple imputation
PW Bernhardt, HJ Wang, D Zhang
Computational statistics & data analysis 69, 81-91, 2014
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Interquantile shrinkage in regression models
L Jiang, HJ Wang, HD Bondell
Journal of Computational and Graphical statistics 22 (4), 970-986, 2013
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Testing for change points due to a covariate threshold in quantile regression
L Zhang, HJ Wang, Z Zhu
Statistica Sinica, 1859-1877, 2014
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Gastrin protects against myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury via activation of RISK (reperfusion injury salvage kinase) and SAFE (survivor activating factor enhancement …
X Yang, R Yue, J Zhang, X Zhang, Y Liu, C Chen, X Wang, H Luo, ...
Journal of the American Heart Association 7 (14), e005171, 2018
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Robust subgroup identification
Y Zhang, HJ Wang, Z Zhu
Statistica Sinica 29 (4), 1873-1889, 2019
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Sparse learning and structure identification for ultrahigh-dimensional image-on-scalar regression
X Li, L Wang, HJ Wang, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
Journal of the American Statistical Association 116 (536), 1994-2008, 2021
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation
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