Precise measurement of the densities of liquid Bi, Sn, Pb and Sb L Wang, Q Wang, A Xian, K Lu Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15 (6), 777, 2003 | 63 | 2003 |
Density measurement of Sn-40Pb, Sn-57Bi, and Sn-9Zn by indirect Archimedean method L Wang, AP Xian Journal of electronic materials 34 (11), 1414-1419, 2005 | 31 | 2005 |
Vacancy-decomposition-induced lattice instability and its correlation with the kinetic stability limit of crystals LW Wang*, L Zhang, K Lu Philosophical magazine letters 85 (5), 213-219, 2005 | 26 | 2005 |
Temperature effect of the local structure in liquid Sb studied with x-ray absorption spectroscopy Q Wang, CX Li, ZH Wu, LW Wang, XJ Niu, WS Yan, YN Xie, SQ Wei, ... The Journal of chemical physics 128 (22), 224501, 2008 | 21 | 2008 |
Density measurement of liquid metals using dilatometer LW Wang, QS Mei J Mater Sci Technol 22 (4), 569-571, 2006 | 20 | 2006 |
Melting of superheated crystals initiated on vacancies LW Wang, Q Wang, KQ Lu Philosophical magazine letters 87 (1), 19-24, 2007 | 19 | 2007 |
A kinetic model for liquids: Relaxation in liquids, origin of the Vogel–Tammann–Fulcher equation, and the essence of fragility LW Wang, HJ Fecht Journal of Applied Physics 104 (11), 113538, 2008 | 17 | 2008 |
Layering in water adsorption and desorption on porous Vycor observed by dielectric measurements LW Wang, Q Wang, CX Li, XJ Niu, G Sun, KQ Lu Physical Review B 76 (15), 155437, 2007 | 16 | 2007 |
Melting of iron nanoparticles embedded in silica prepared by mechanical milling P Ding, J Ma, H Cao, Y Liu, L Wang, J Li Materials Science and Engineering: B 178 (14), 930-936, 2013 | 11 | 2013 |
Fitting the structural relaxation time of glass-forming liquids: single-or multi-branch approach? L Wang arXiv preprint arXiv:1009.0315, 2010 | 11* | 2010 |
Extracting energy and structure properties of glass-forming liquids from structural relaxation time L Wang Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (15), 155103, 2012 | 10 | 2012 |
Density measurement of liquid indium and zinc by the γ-ray attenuation method L Wang, A Xian, H Shao High Temperatures. High Pressures 35 (6), 659-665, 2003 | 10 | 2003 |
Vacancy formation and squashing during surface melting and the size effect on surface-induced melting of metals L Wang Philosophical Magazine 93 (27), 3648-3663, 2013 | 9 | 2013 |
Single-exponential activation behavior behind the super-Arrhenius relaxations in glass-forming liquids L Wang, J Li, HJ Fecht Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22 (45), 455104, 2010 | 9 | 2010 |
Density of liquid GaSb measured by an improved Archimedean method LW Wang, Q Wang, KQ Lu Journal of crystal growth 293 (1), 14-17, 2006 | 9 | 2006 |
Mechanochemical synthesis for studying the melting of metallic nanoparticles: a case study of copper P Ding, H Hou, S Pu, H Cao, L Wang, J Li Philosophical Magazine Letters 95 (1), 14-20, 2015 | 8 | 2015 |
Estimating the Energy State of Liquids L Wang Metals 4 (4), 570-585, 2014 | 8 | 2014 |
Size-dependent melting of ice in mesoporous silica Y Lu, Y Liu, Y Xu, L Wang, J Li Philosophical Magazine 93 (15), 1827-1842, 2013 | 7 | 2013 |
Correlating the stretched-exponential and super-Arrhenius behaviors in the structural relaxation of glass-forming liquids L Wang, J Li, HJ Fecht Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23 (15), 155102, 2011 | 7 | 2011 |
Thermodynamic cooperativity in glass-forming liquids: Indications and consequences L Wang Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 383, 59-65, 2014 | 4 | 2014 |