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Gammahydroxybutyrate and narcolepsy: a double-blind placebo-controlled study GJ Lammers, J Arends, AC Declerck, MD Ferrari, G Schouwink, J Troost Sleep 16 (3), 216-220, 1993 | 309 | 1993 |
The relative influence of epileptic EEG discharges, short nonconvulsive seizures, and type of epilepsy on cognitive function A Aldenkamp, J Arends Epilepsia 45 (1), 54-63, 2004 | 293 | 2004 |
Effects of epileptiform EEG discharges on cognitive function: is the concept of “transient cognitive impairment” still valid? AP Aldenkamp, J Arends Epilepsy & Behavior 5, 25-34, 2004 | 269 | 2004 |
Treatment of negative symptoms: where do we stand, and where do we go? A Aleman, TM Lincoln, R Bruggeman, I Melle, J Arends, C Arango, ... Schizophrenia research 186, 55-62, 2017 | 228 | 2017 |
Cognitive and behavioral effects of nocturnal epileptiform discharges in children with benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes J Nicolai, AP Aldenkamp, J Arends, JW Weber, JSH Vles Epilepsy & Behavior 8 (1), 56-70, 2006 | 224 | 2006 |
A model of heart rate changes to detect seizures in severe epilepsy WJC Van Elmpt, TME Nijsen, PAM Griep, JBAM Arends Seizure 15 (6), 366-375, 2006 | 200 | 2006 |
The potential value of three-dimensional accelerometry for detection of motor seizures in severe epilepsy TME Nijsen, JBAM Arends, PAM Griep, PJM Cluitmans Epilepsy & Behavior 7 (1), 74-84, 2005 | 196 | 2005 |
Randomized double‐blind parallel‐group study comparing cognitive effects of a low‐dose lamotrigine with valproate and placebo in healthy volunteers AP Aldenkamp, J Arends, HPR Bootsma, L Diepman, J Hulsman, ... Epilepsia 43 (1), 19-26, 2002 | 151 | 2002 |
Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy patients: risk factors: a systematic review C Monté, J Arends, IY Tan, AP Aldenkamp, M Limburg, M De Krom Seizure 16 (1), 1-7, 2007 | 138 | 2007 |
Topiramate in clinical practice: long-term experience in patients with refractory epilepsy referred to a tertiary epilepsy center HPR Bootsma, F Coolen, AP Aldenkamp, J Arends, L Diepman, ... Epilepsy & Behavior 5 (3), 380-387, 2004 | 134 | 2004 |
Metacognitive reflection and insight therapy (MERIT) for patients with schizophrenia S de Jong, RJM Van Donkersgoed, ME Timmerman, M Aan Het Rot, ... Psychological medicine 49 (2), 303-313, 2019 | 132 | 2019 |
Acute cognitive effects of nonconvulsive difficult-to-detect epileptic seizures and epileptiform electroencephalographic discharges AP Aldenkamp, J Arends, TCG Overweg-Plandsoen, KC van Bronswijk, ... Journal of Child Neurology 16 (2), 119-123, 2001 | 128 | 2001 |
Multimodal nocturnal seizure detection in a residential care setting: a long-term prospective trial J Arends, RD Thijs, T Gutter, C Ungureanu, P Cluitmans, J Van Dijk, ... Neurology 91 (21), e2010-e2019, 2018 | 126 | 2018 |
Cognitive effects of interictal epileptiform discharges in children S Ebus, J Arends, J Hendriksen, E Van Der Horst, N De La Parra, ... European Journal of Paediatric Neurology 16 (6), 697-706, 2012 | 125 | 2012 |
Miniaturized wireless ECG monitor for real-time detection of epileptic seizures F Massé, MV Bussel, A Serteyn, J Arends, J Penders ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 12 (4), 1-21, 2013 | 124 | 2013 |
Prevalence rate and risk factors of victimization in adult patients with a psychotic disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis B de Vries, JT van Busschbach, ECD van der Stouwe, A Aleman, ... Schizophrenia bulletin 45 (1), 114-126, 2019 | 117 | 2019 |
HTR2C gene polymorphisms and the metabolic syndrome in patients with schizophrenia: a replication study H Mulder, D Cohen, H Scheffer, C Gispen-de Wied, J Arends, FW Wilmink, ... Journal of clinical psychopharmacology 29 (1), 16-20, 2009 | 117 | 2009 |
Sympathetic activity and hypothalamo-pituitary–adrenal axis activity during sleep in post-traumatic stress disorder: A study assessing polysomnography with simultaneous blood … S van Liempt, J Arends, PJM Cluitmans, HGM Westenberg, RS Kahn, ... Psychoneuroendocrinology 38 (1), 155-165, 2013 | 115 | 2013 |
The added value of [18F]‐fluoro‐D‐deoxyglucose positron emission tomography in screening for temporal lobe epilepsy surgery SG Uijl, FSS Leijten, JBAM Arends, J Parra, AC Van Huffelen, ... Epilepsia 48 (11), 2121-2129, 2007 | 106 | 2007 |