CNN for Handwritten Arabic Digits Recognition Based on LeNet-5 ML Ahmed El-Sawy, Hazem EL-Bakry (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 2017 (Proceedings of the …, 2016 | 305* | 2016 |
Arabic Handwritten Characters Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Network HELB Ahmed El-Sawy, Mohamed Loey WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research 5, 11-19, 2017 | 286 | 2017 |
Deep learning in plant diseases detection for agricultural crops: a survey M Loey, A ElSawy, M Afify International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and …, 2020 | 120 | 2020 |
Coverage, Deployment and Localization Challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks based on Artificial Intelligence Techniques: A Review W Osamy, AM Khedr, A Salim, AI Al Ali, AA El-Sawy IEEE Access, 2022 | 84 | 2022 |
CSOCA: Chicken swarm optimization based clustering algorithm for wireless sensor networks W Osamy, AA El-Sawy, A Salim IEEE Access 8, 60676-60688, 2020 | 83 | 2020 |
Cluster-Tree Routing Based Entropy Scheme for Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks W Osamy, AM Khedr, A Aziz, AA El-Sawy IEEE Access 6 (1), 77372-77387, 2018 | 69 | 2018 |
Recent Studies Utilizing Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solving Data Collection, Aggregation and Dissemination Challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Review AIAAAAES Walid Osamy, Ahmed M. Khedr, Ahmed Salim Electronics 11 (3), 2022 | 61 | 2022 |
Effective TDMA scheduling for tree-based data collection using genetic algorithm in wireless sensor networks W Osamy, AA El-Sawy, AM Khedr Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 13 (3), 796-815, 2020 | 51 | 2020 |
SATC: A Simulated Annealing Based Tree Construction and Scheduling Algorithm for Minimizing Aggregation Time in Wireless Sensor Networks W Osamy, AA El-sawy, AM Khedr Wireless Personal Communications 108 (2), 921-938, 2019 | 47 | 2019 |
IDCT: Intelligent Data Collection Technique for IoT-Enabled Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks in Smart Environments W Osamy, A Salim, AM Khedr, AA El-Sawy IEEE Sensors Journal 21 (18), 21099-21112, 2021 | 44 | 2021 |
ArabicDialects: An Efficient Framework for Arabic Dialects Opinion Mining on Twitter using Optimized Deep Neural Networks DS AbdElminaam, N Neggaz, IAE Gomaa, FH Ismail, A Elsawy IEEE Access 9, 97079 - 97099, 2021 | 44 | 2021 |
Grey Wolf based compressive sensing scheme for data gathering in IoT based heterogeneous WSNs A Aziz, W Osamy, AM Khedr, AA El-Sawy, K Singh Wireless Networks, 1-24, 2020 | 40 | 2020 |
Deep learning autoencoder approach for handwritten arabic digits recognition M Loey, A El-Sawy, H El-Bakry arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.06720, 2017 | 31 | 2017 |
IPDCA: Intelligent Proficient Data Collection Approach for IoT-Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks in Smart Environments ASDV Walid Osamy, Ahmed M. Khedr, Ahmed A. El-Sawy Electronics 10 (9), 997, 2021 | 27 | 2021 |
A review on recent studies utilizing artificial intelligence methods for solving routing challenges in wireless sensor networks W Osamy, AM Khedr, A Salim, AI Al Ali, AA El-Sawy PeerJ Computer Science 8, e1089, 2022 | 25 | 2022 |
Machine Learning-Based Approach for Arabic Dialect Identification H Nayel, A Hassan, M Sobhi, A El-Sawy Proceedings of the Sixth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop, 287-290, 2021 | 19 | 2021 |
A Robust Intelligent System for Detecting Tomato Crop Diseases Using Deep Learning M Afify, M Loey, A Elsawy International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence …, 2022 | 17 | 2022 |
AOM-MPA: Arabic Opinion Mining using Marine Predators Algorithm based Feature Selection DS AbdElminaam, N Neggaz, IAE Gomaa, FH Ismail, A Elsawy 2021 International Mobile, Intelligent, and Ubiquitous Computing Conference …, 2021 | 15 | 2021 |
Swarming Behavior of Harris Hawks Optimizer for Arabic Opinion Mining DSA Elminaam, N Neggaz, IA Ahmed, AES Abouelyazed CMC-COMPUTERS MATERIALS & CONTINUA 69 (3), 4129-4149, 2021 | 15 | 2021 |
Solving Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem Using Chicken Swarm Optimization with Genetic Algorithm N Niazy, A El-Sawy, M Gadallah International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems 13 (5), 502-513, 2020 | 15 | 2020 |