Inflammation and insulin resistance SE Shoelson, J Lee, AB Goldfine The Journal of clinical investigation 116 (7), 1793-1801, 2006 | 5689 | 2006 |
Type 2 diabetes as an inflammatory disease MY Donath, SE Shoelson Nature reviews immunology 11 (2), 98-107, 2011 | 4369 | 2011 |
SH2 domains recognize specific phosphopeptide sequences S Zhou, SE Shoelson, M Chaudhuri, G Gish, T Pawson, WG Haser, F King, ... Cell 72 (5), 767-778, 1993 | 3591 | 1993 |
Local and systemic insulin resistance resulting from hepatic activation of IKK-β and NF-κB D Cai, M Yuan, DF Frantz, PA Melendez, L Hansen, J Lee, SE Shoelson Nature medicine 11 (2), 183-190, 2005 | 3070 | 2005 |
Backbone dynamics of a free and a phosphopeptide-complexed Src homology 2 domain studied by 15N NMR relaxation NA Farrow, R Muhandiram, AU Singer, SM Pascal, CM Kay, G Gish, ... Biochemistry 33 (19), 5984-6003, 1994 | 2680 | 1994 |
Reversal of obesity-and diet-induced insulin resistance with salicylates or targeted disruption of Ikkβ M Yuan, N Konstantopoulos, J Lee, L Hansen, ZW Li, M Karin, ... Science 293 (5535), 1673-1677, 2001 | 2651 | 2001 |
Obesity, inflammation, and insulin resistance SE Shoelson, L Herrero, A Naaz Gastroenterology 132 (6), 2169-2180, 2007 | 2469 | 2007 |
Lean, but not obese, fat is enriched for a unique population of regulatory T cells that affect metabolic parameters M Feuerer, L Herrero, D Cipolletta, A Naaz, J Wong, A Nayer, J Lee, ... Nature medicine 15 (8), 930-939, 2009 | 2452 | 2009 |
IKKβ/NF-κB activation causes severe muscle wasting in mice D Cai, JD Frantz, NE Tawa, PA Melendez, BC Oh, HGW Lidov, ... Cell 119 (2), 285-298, 2004 | 1645 | 2004 |
Phosphorylation of Ser307 in insulin receptor substrate-1 blocks interactions with the insulin receptor and inhibits insulin action V Aguirre, ED Werner, J Giraud, YH Lee, SE Shoelson, MF White Journal of biological chemistry 277 (2), 1531-1537, 2002 | 1302 | 2002 |
Identification of SOCS-3 as a potential mediator of central leptin resistance C Bjørbæk, JK Elmquist, JD Frantz, SE Shoelson, JS Flier Molecular cell 1 (4), 619-625, 1998 | 1297 | 1998 |
Phosphatidylinositol 3′‐kinase is activated by association with IRS‐1 during insulin stimulation. JM Backer, MG Myers Jr, SE Shoelson, DJ Chin, XJ Sun, M Miralpeix, ... The EMBO journal 11 (9), 3469-3479, 1992 | 1288 | 1992 |
PPAR-γ is a major driver of the accumulation and phenotype of adipose tissue Treg cells D Cipolletta, M Feuerer, A Li, N Kamei, J Lee, SE Shoelson, C Benoist, ... Nature 486 (7404), 549-553, 2012 | 1264 | 2012 |
SOCS-1 and SOCS-3 block insulin signaling by ubiquitin-mediated degradation of IRS1 and IRS2 L Rui, M Yuan, D Frantz, S Shoelson, MF White Journal of Biological Chemistry 277 (44), 42394-42398, 2002 | 1205 | 2002 |
Specific motifs recognized by the SH2 domains of Csk, 3BP2, fps/fes, GRB-2, HCP, SHC, Syk, and Vav. S Zhou, SE Shoelson, J McGlade, P Olivier, T Pawson, XR Bustelo, ... Molecular and Cellular Biology 14 (4), 2777-2785, 1994 | 1191 | 1994 |
Crystal structure of the tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2 P Hof, S Pluskey, S Dhe-Paganon, MJ Eck, SE Shoelson Cell 92 (4), 441-450, 1998 | 1168 | 1998 |
Regulation of inositol phospholipid-specific phospholipase C isozymes SG Rhee J Biol Chem 267, 12393-12396, 1992 | 1048 | 1992 |
Prevention of fat-induced insulin resistance by salicylate JK Kim, YJ Kim, JJ Fillmore, Y Chen, I Moore, J Lee, M Yuan, ZW Li, ... The Journal of clinical investigation 108 (3), 437-446, 2001 | 1024 | 2001 |
Binding of a high affinity phosphotyrosyl peptide to the Src SH2 domain: crystal structures of the complexed and peptide free forms G Waksman, SE Shoelson, N Pant, D Cowburn, J Kuriyan Cell 72, 779-790, 1993 | 1005 | 1993 |
Mechanism by which high-dose aspirin improves glucose metabolism in type 2 diabetes RS Hundal, KF Petersen, AB Mayerson, PS Randhawa, S Inzucchi, ... The Journal of clinical investigation 109 (10), 1321-1326, 2002 | 981 | 2002 |