Changing Things J Redström, H Wiltse Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018 | 131* | 2018 |
Metaphors, materialities, and affordances: Hybrid morphologies in the design of interactive artifacts H Jung, H Wiltse, M Wiberg, E Stolterman Design Studies 53, 24-46, 2017 | 92 | 2017 |
PlayByPlay: collaborative web browsing for desktop and mobile devices H Wiltse, J Nichols Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2009 | 53 | 2009 |
Unpacking Digital Material Mediation. H Wiltse Techne: Research in Philosophy & Technology 18 (3), 2014 | 45 | 2014 |
The Lancaster care charter P Rodgers, G Innella, C Bremner, I Coxon, C Broadley, A Cadamuro, ... Design Issues 35 (1), 73-77, 2019 | 30 | 2019 |
Hybrid synchronous/asynchronous means for sharing user interactions across multiple devices JW Nichols, HR Wiltse US Patent 10,320,857, 2019 | 29 | 2019 |
Architectures of interaction: An architectural perspective on digital experience H Wiltse, E Stolterman Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction …, 2010 | 28 | 2010 |
The widening rift between aesthetics and ethics in the design of computational things S Hauser, J Redström, H Wiltse AI & SOCIETY 38 (1), 227-243, 2023 | 25 | 2023 |
Designing differently: Toward a methodology for an ethics of feminist technology design DP Michelfelder, G Wellner, H Wiltse Rowman & Littlefield International, 2017 | 25 | 2017 |
Relating to Things: Design, Technology and the Artificial H Wiltse Bloomsbury Academic, 2020 | 17 | 2020 |
Mediating (Infra) structures H Wiltse Postphenomenology and Media: Essays on Human–Media–World Relations, 1, 2017 | 15 | 2017 |
Press Play: Acts of defining (in) fluid assemblages J Redström, H Wiltse | 14 | 2015 |
12 REVEALING RELATIONS OF FLUID ASSEMBLAGES H Wiltse Relating to Things, 239, 2020 | 12 | 2020 |
Wicked Interactions:(On the Necessity of) Reframing the'Computer'in Philosophy and Design. H Wiltse, E Stolterman, J Redström Techne: Research in Philosophy & Technology 19 (1), 2015 | 10 | 2015 |
Terms of entanglement: a posthumanist reading of Terms of Service S Özçetin, H Wiltse Human–Computer Interaction 40 (1-4), 171-194, 2025 | 6 | 2025 |
The mediating role of responsive digital materials: A conceptual investigation and analytic framework H Wiltse Indiana University, 2013 | 6 | 2013 |
Privacy as care: An interpersonal model of privacy exemplified by five cases in the Internet of Things DE Wittkower, H Wiltse Relating to Things: Design, Technology and the Artificial. Bloomsbury Academic, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Beyond progress: Exploring alternative trajectories for design museums A Neidhardt, H Wiltse, A Croon | 4 | 2022 |
Introduction: Relating to things that relate to us H Wiltse Relating to things: Design, technology and the artificial, 1-12, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
On the multi-instabilities of assembled things J Redström, H Wiltse Conference paper at S 4, 2015 | 3 | 2015 |