Artykuły udostępnione publicznie: - Colin PhillipsWięcej informacji
Niedostępny w żadnym miejscu: 1
The logic of syntactic priming and acceptability judgments
P Gaston, N Huang, C Phillips
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40, 2017
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China …
Dostępne w jakimś miejscu: 25
A cortical network for semantics:(de) constructing the N400
EF Lau, C Phillips, D Poeppel
Nature reviews neuroscience 9 (12), 920-933, 2008
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
The linguistic processes underlying the P600
AC Gouvea, C Phillips, N Kazanina, D Poeppel
Language and cognitive processes 25 (2), 149-188, 2010
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Equal treatment for all antecedents: How children succeed with Principle B
A Conroy, E Takahashi, J Lidz, C Phillips
Linguistic Inquiry 40 (3), 446-486, 2009
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Hyper-active gap filling
A Omaki, EF Lau, I Davidson White, ML Dakan, A Apple, C Phillips
Frontiers in psychology 6, 384, 2015
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Negative polarity illusions and the format of hierarchical encodings in memory
D Parker, C Phillips
Cognition 157, 321-339, 2016
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation
A “bag-of-arguments” mechanism for initial verb predictions
WY Chow, C Smith, E Lau, C Phillips
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 31 (5), 577-596, 2016
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation
Reflexive attraction in comprehension is selective
D Parker, C Phillips
Journal of Memory and Language 94, 272-290, 2017
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation
The timing of verb selection in Japanese sentence production.
S Momma, LR Slevc, C Phillips
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 42 (5), 813, 2016
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation
Wait a second! Delayed impact of argument roles on on-line verb prediction
WY Chow, E Lau, S Wang, C Phillips
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 33 (7), 803-828, 2018
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China
The anatomy of a comparative illusion
A Wellwood, R Pancheva, V Hacquard, C Phillips
Journal of Semantics 35 (3), 543-583, 2018
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation, Social Sciences and Humanities Research …
The structure-sensitivity of memory access: evidence from Mandarin Chinese
B Dillon, WY Chow, M Wagers, T Guo, F Liu, C Phillips
Frontiers in psychology 5, 1025, 2014
Upoważnienia: National Natural Science Foundation of China
The relationship between parsing and generation
S Momma, C Phillips
Annual Review of Linguistics 4 (1), 233-254, 2018
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Prediction as memory retrieval: Timing and mechanisms
WY Chow, S Momma, C Smith, E Lau, C Phillips
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 31 (5), 617-627, 2016
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation
Modeling N400 amplitude using vector space models of word representation
A Ettinger, N Feldman, P Resnik, C Phillips
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 38, 2016
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation
Local anaphor licensing in an SOV language: Implications for retrieval strategies
D Kush, C Phillips
Frontiers in psychology 5, 1252, 2014
Upoważnienia: US National Institutes of Health
Developing incrementality in filler-gap dependency processing
E Atkinson, MW Wagers, J Lidz, C Phillips, A Omaki
Cognition 179, 132-149, 2018
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation
Looking forwards and backwards: The real-time processing of Strong and Weak Crossover
D Kush, J Lidz, C Phillips
Glossa (London) 2 (1), 70, 2017
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Syntactic category constrains lexical competition in speaking
S Momma, J Buffinton, LR Slevc, C Phillips
Cognition 197, 104183, 2020
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Locality and word order in active dependency formation in Bangla
DA Chacón, M Imtiaz, S Dasgupta, SM Murshed, M Dan, C Phillips
Frontiers in psychology 7, 1235, 2016
Upoważnienia: US National Science Foundation
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