Artykuły udostępnione publicznie: - Anand S. SubbiahWięcej informacji
Dostępne w jakimś miejscu: 11
Tin oxide electron‐selective layers for efficient, stable, and scalable perovskite solar cells
C Altinkaya, E Aydin, E Ugur, FH Isikgor, AS Subbiah, M De Bastiani, J Liu, ...
Advanced Materials 33 (15), 2005504, 2021
Upoważnienia: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
Efficient bifacial monolithic perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells via bandgap engineering
M De Bastiani, AJ Mirabelli, Y Hou, F Gota, E Aydin, TG Allen, J Troughton, ...
Nature Energy 6 (2), 167-175, 2021
Upoważnienia: US Department of Defense, Helmholtz Association
Pseudohalide (SCN)-Doped MAPbI3 Perovskites: A Few Surprises
A Halder, R Chulliyil, AS Subbiah, T Khan, S Chattoraj, A Chowdhury, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 6 (17), 3483-3489, 2015
Upoważnienia: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, Department of Science …
On The Uniqueness of Ideality Factor and Voltage Exponent of Perovskite Based Solar Cells
PRN Sumanshu Agarwal, Madhu Seetharaman, Naresh K. Kumawat, Anand Selvin ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2014
Upoważnienia: US Department of Energy, Department of Science & Technology, India
Novel Plasma-Assisted Low-Temperature-Processed SnO2 Thin Films for Efficient Flexible Perovskite Photovoltaics
AS Subbiah, N Mathews, S Mhaisalkar, SK Sarkar
ACS Energy Letters 3 (7), 1482-1491, 2018
Upoważnienia: US Department of Energy, Department of Science & Technology, India, National …
Stable p–i–n FAPbBr3 Devices with Improved Efficiency Using Sputtered ZnO as Electron Transport Layer
AS Subbiah, S Agarwal, N Mahuli, P Nair, M Van Hest, SK Sarkar
Advanced Materials Interfaces 4 (8), 1601143, 2017
Upoważnienia: US Department of Energy, Department of Science & Technology, India
Enhanced operational stability through interfacial modification by active encapsulation of perovskite solar cells
S Ghosh, R Singh, AS Subbiah, PP Boix, I Mora Seró, SK Sarkar
Applied Physics Letters 116 (11), 2020
Upoważnienia: Government of Spain
Front-contact passivation through 2D/3D perovskite heterojunctions enables efficient bifacial perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells
E Ugur, E Aydin, M De Bastiani, GT Harrison, BK Yildirim, S Teale, ...
Matter 6 (9), 2919-2934, 2023
Upoważnienia: US Department of Defense, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural …
Ultra‐Thin Atomic Layer Deposited–Nb2O5 as Electron Transport Layer for Co‐Evaporated MAPbI3 Planar Perovskite Solar Cells
AS Subbiah, AK Dhara, N Mahuli, S Banerjee, SK Sarkar
Energy Technology 8 (4), 1900878, 2020
Upoważnienia: Department of Science & Technology, India
One‐step solution‐processed formamidinium lead tribromide formation for better reproducible planar perovskite solar cells
J Das, AS Subbiah, N Mahuli, R Singh, SK Sarkar
Energy Technology 5 (10), 1807-1813, 2017
Upoważnienia: US Department of Energy, Department of Science & Technology, India
Towards all inorganic transport layers for wide‐band gap FAPbBr3 based planar photovoltaics
AS Subbiah, N Mahuli, S Agarwal, M van Hest, SK Sarkar
Energy Technology, 2017
Upoważnienia: US Department of Energy, Department of Science & Technology, India
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