What controls attention in natural environments? H Shinoda, MM Hayhoe, A Shrivastava Vision research 41 (25-26), 3535-3545, 2001 | 355 | 2001 |
Influence of basic color categories on color memory discrimination K Uchikawa, H Shinoda Color Research & Application 21 (6), 430-439, 1996 | 129 | 1996 |
Vision in natural and virtual environments MM Hayhoe, DH Ballard, J Triesch, H Shinoda, P Aivar, B Sullivan Proceedings of the 2002 symposium on Eye tracking research & applications, 7-13, 2002 | 53 | 2002 |
Categorized color space on CRT in the aperture and the surface color mode H Shinoda, K Uchikawa, M Ikeda Color Research & Application 18 (5), 326-333, 1993 | 53 | 1993 |
Phenomena of apparent lightness interpreted by the recognized visual space of illumination M Ikeda, H Shinoda, Y Mizokami Optical Review 5, 380-386, 1998 | 50 | 1998 |
Three dimensionality of the recognized visual space of illumination proved by hidden illumination M Ikeda, H Shinoda, Y Mlzokami Optical Review 5, 200-205, 1998 | 48 | 1998 |
Lightness change as perceived in relation to the size of recognized visual space of illumination Y Mizokami, M Ikeda, H Shinoda Optical Review 5 (5), 315-319, 1998 | 36 | 1998 |
Color preference affected by mode of color appearance U Tangkijviwat, K Rattanakasamsuk, H Shinoda Color Research & Application: Endorsed by Inter‐Society Color Council, The …, 2010 | 34 | 2010 |
Color constancy in a photograph perceived as a three-dimensional space Y Mizokami, M Ikeda, H Shinoda Optical review 11, 288-296, 2004 | 28 | 2004 |
Color property of the recognized visual space of illumination controlled by interior color as the initial visual information Y Mizokami, M Ikeda, H Shinoda Optical Review 7, 358-363, 2000 | 28 | 2000 |
Color appearance of a patch explained by RVSI for the conditions of various colors of room illumination and of various luminance levels of the patch M Ikeda, Y Mizokami, S Nakane, H Shinoda Optical review 9, 132-139, 2002 | 24 | 2002 |
Spatio-temporal organization of behavior. DH Ballard, MM Hayhoe, G Salgian, H Shinoda Spatial Vision 13 (2-3), 321-333, 2000 | 24 | 2000 |
Experience and training of a first person shooter (FPS) game can enhance useful field of view, working memory, and reaction time Y Seya, H Shinoda International Journal of Affective Engineering 15 (3), 213-222, 2016 | 21 | 2016 |
Up-down asymmetry in vertical vection Y Seya, H Shinoda, Y Nakaura Vision Research 117, 16-24, 2015 | 20 | 2015 |
Recognized visual space of illumination: A new account of center‐surround simultaneous color contrast P Cunthasaksiri, H Shinoda, M Ikeda Color Research & Application: Endorsed by Inter‐Society Color Council, The …, 2004 | 20 | 2004 |
Color assimilation on grating affected by its apparent stripe width H Shinoda, M Ikeda Color Research & Application 29 (3), 187-195, 2004 | 14 | 2004 |
Effect of depth order on linear vection with optical flows Y Seya, T Tsuji, H Shinoda i-Perception 5 (7), 630-640, 2014 | 13 | 2014 |
Space brightness evaluated using border luminance of color appearance mode H Yamaguchi, H Shinoda 照明学会誌 91 (5), 266-271, 2007 | 10 | 2007 |
照明認識視空間の明るさサイズの測定による実環境における空間の明るさ感の評価 山口秀樹, 篠田博之, 池田光男 照明学会誌 86 (11), 830-836, 2002 | 10 | 2002 |
カテゴリー比率評価法による開口色と表面色モードの色の見えの表現 内川惠二, 栗木一郎, 篠田博之 照明学会誌 78 (2), 83-93, 1994 | 10 | 1994 |