On the use of dual-polarized C-band radar for operational rainfall retrieval in mountainous areas G Vulpiani, M Montopoli, LD Passeri, AG Gioia, P Giordano, FS Marzano Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 51 (2), 405-425, 2012 | 156 | 2012 |
Supervised classification and estimation of hydrometeors from C-band dual-polarized radars: A Bayesian approach FS Marzano, D Scaranari, M Montopoli, G Vulpiani IEEE transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 46 (1), 85-98, 2007 | 89 | 2007 |
Investigating precipitation microphysics using ground-based microwave remote sensors and disdrometer data FS Marzano, D Cimini, M Montopoli Atmospheric Research 97 (4), 583-600, 2010 | 87 | 2010 |
A multi-sensor approach for volcanic ash cloud retrieval and eruption characterization: The 23 November 2013 Etna lava fountain S Corradini, M Montopoli, L Guerrieri, M Ricci, S Scollo, L Merucci, ... Remote Sensing 8 (1), 58, 2016 | 84 | 2016 |
Inside volcanic clouds: Remote sensing of ash plumes using microwave weather radars FS Marzano, E Picciotti, M Montopoli, G Vulpiani Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 94 (10), 1567-1586, 2013 | 76 | 2013 |
Synthetic signatures of volcanic ash cloud particles from X-band dual-polarization radar FS Marzano, E Picciotti, G Vulpiani, M Montopoli IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 50 (1), 193-211, 2011 | 67 | 2011 |
Analysis and synthesis of raindrop size distribution time series from disdrometer data M Montopoli, FS Marzano, G Vulpiani IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 46 (2), 466-478, 2008 | 64 | 2008 |
Potential of high-resolution detection and retrieval of precipitation fields from X-band spaceborne synthetic aperture radar over land FS Marzano, S Mori, M Chini, L Pulvirenti, N Pierdicca, M Montopoli, ... Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15 (3), 859-875, 2011 | 53 | 2011 |
Optimum estimation of rain microphysical parameters from X-band dual-polarization radar observables J Kalogiros, MN Anagnostou, EN Anagnostou, M Montopoli, E Picciotti, ... IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 51 (5), 3063-3076, 2012 | 52 | 2012 |
Ground-based measurements of the 2014–2015 Holuhraun volcanic cloud (Iceland) MA Pfeffer, B Bergsson, S Barsotti, G Stefánsdóttir, B Galle, S Arellano, ... Geosciences 8 (1), 29, 2018 | 51 | 2018 |
Hydrometeor classification from dual-polarized weather radar: extending fuzzy logic from S-band to C-band data FS Marzano, D Scaranari, M Celano, PP Alberoni, G Vulpiani, ... Advances in Geosciences 7, 109-114, 2006 | 49 | 2006 |
The Eyjafjöll explosive volcanic eruption from a microwave weather radar perspective FS Marzano, M Lamantea, M Montopoli, S Di Fabio, E Picciotti Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (18), 9503-9518, 2011 | 43 | 2011 |
Influence of disdrometer type on weather radar algorithms from measured DSD: Application to Italian climatology E Adirosi, N Roberto, M Montopoli, E Gorgucci, L Baldini Atmosphere 9 (9), 360, 2018 | 42 | 2018 |
Reconstructing volcanic plume evolution integrating satellite and ground-based data: application to the 23 November 2013 Etna eruption M Poret, S Corradini, L Merucci, A Costa, D Andronico, M Montopoli, ... Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18 (7), 4695-4714, 2018 | 42 | 2018 |
The precipitation structure of the Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone Numa: analysis of GPM observations and numerical weather prediction model simulations AC Marra, S Federico, M Montopoli, E Avolio, L Baldini, D Casella, ... Remote Sensing 11 (14), 1690, 2019 | 41 | 2019 |
Investigation of weather radar quantitative precipitation estimation methodologies in complex orography M Montopoli, N Roberto, E Adirosi, E Gorgucci, L Baldini Atmosphere 8 (2), 34, 2017 | 40 | 2017 |
Evaluation of a new polarimetric algorithm for rain-path attenuation correction of X-band radar observations against disdrometer J Kalogiros, MN Anagnostou, EN Anagnostou, M Montopoli, E Picciotti, ... IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 52 (2), 1369-1380, 2013 | 40 | 2013 |
Optimizing data volume return for Ka-band deep space links exploiting short-term radiometeorological model forecast M Biscarini, FS Marzano, M Montopoli, K De Sanctis, L Iess, M Montagna, ... IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 64 (1), 235-250, 2015 | 39 | 2015 |
Performance evaluation of a new dual-polarization microphysical algorithm based on long-term X-band radar and disdrometer observations MN Anagnostou, J Kalogiros, FS Marzano, EN Anagnostou, M Montopoli, ... Journal of Hydrometeorology 14 (2), 560-576, 2013 | 39 | 2013 |
Microwave remote sensing of the 2011 Plinian eruption of the Grímsvötn Icelandic volcano FS Marzano, M Lamantea, M Montopoli, M Herzog, H Graf, D Cimini Remote sensing of Environment 129, 168-184, 2013 | 39 | 2013 |