Resistance and persuasion ES Knowles, JA Linn Psychology Press, 2004 | 592 | 2004 |
Personal space invasions in the lavatory: suggestive evidence for arousal. RD Middlemist, ES Knowles, CF Matter Journal of personality and social psychology 33 (5), 541, 1976 | 280 | 1976 |
Item context effects on personality scales: Measuring changes the measure. ES Knowles Journal of personality and social psychology 55 (2), 312, 1988 | 275 | 1988 |
Why people say" yes": A dual-process theory of acquiescence. ES Knowles, CA Condon Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 77 (2), 379, 1999 | 255 | 1999 |
The importance of resistance to persuasion ES Knowles, JA Linn Resistance and persuasion, 3-10, 2004 | 247 | 2004 |
A disrupt-then-reframe technique of social influence. BP Davis, ES Knowles Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 76 (2), 192, 1999 | 183 | 1999 |
Approach-avoidance model of persuasion: Alpha and omega strategies for change ES Knowles, JA Linn Resistance and persuasion, 117-148, 2004 | 172 | 2004 |
Boundaries around group interaction: The effect of group size and member status on boundary permeability. ES Knowles Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 26 (3), 327, 1973 | 152 | 1973 |
Acquiescent responding in self-reports: cognitive style or social concern? ES Knowles, KT Nathan Journal of research in personality 31 (2), 293-301, 1997 | 147 | 1997 |
Perception of neighborhoods by city and suburban residents WG Haney, ES Knowles Human Ecology 6, 201-214, 1978 | 126 | 1978 |
Personality moderating variables: A warning about statistical artifact and a comparison of analytic techniques V Bissonnette, W Ickes, I Bernstein, E Knowles Journal of Personality 58 (3), 567-587, 1990 | 121 | 1990 |
Comparison of Behavioral Changes Resulting from Human Relations Training Laboratories of Different Lengthsa DR Bunker, ES Knowles The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 3 (4), 505-523, 1967 | 107 | 1967 |
Assessment of disordered thinking in children and adolescents: The Rorschach Perceptual-Thinking Index SR Smith, MR Baity, ES Knowles, MJ Hilsenroth Journal of Personality Assessment 77 (3), 447-463, 2001 | 100 | 2001 |
Risk-taking as a personality trait ES Knowles, HSG Cutter, DH Walsh, NA Casey Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 1 (2), 123-136, 1973 | 99 | 1973 |
Reliability shifts in measurement reactivity: Driven by content engagement or self-engagement? ES Knowles, B Byers Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 70 (5), 1080, 1996 | 91 | 1996 |
Omega approaches to persuasion: Overcoming resistance ES Knowles, DD Riner The science of social influence, 83-114, 2011 | 90 | 2011 |
Social physics and the effects of others: Tests of the effects of audience size and distance on social judgments and behavior. ES Knowles Journal of personality and social psychology 45 (6), 1263, 1983 | 83 | 1983 |
An affiliative conflict theory of personal and group spatial behavior ES Knowles Psychology of group influence, 133-188, 1980 | 83 | 1980 |
Measurement-induced improvement in anxiety: mean shifts with repeated assessment. ES Knowles, MC Coker, RA Scott, DA Cook, JW Neville Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 71 (2), 352, 1996 | 76 | 1996 |
Mindfulness Limits Compliance with the That's-Not-AU Technique CL Pollock, SD Smith, ES Knowles, HJ Bruce Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 24 (11), 1153-1157, 1998 | 74 | 1998 |