Instrumental variables regression with weak instruments DO Staiger, JH Stock National Bureau of Economic Research, 1994 | 10889 | 1994 |
What does certification tell us about teacher effectiveness? Evidence from New York City TJ Kane, JE Rockoff, DO Staiger Economics of Education review 27 (6), 615-631, 2008 | 1928 | 2008 |
Estimating teacher impacts on student achievement: An experimental evaluation TJ Kane, DO Staiger National Bureau of Economic Research, 2008 | 1374 | 2008 |
Gathering Feedback for Teaching: Combining High-Quality Observations with Student Surveys and Achievement Gains. Research Paper. MET Project. TJ Kane, DO Staiger Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 2012 | 1214 | 2012 |
Implications of an aging registered nurse workforce PI Buerhaus, DO Staiger, DI Auerbach Jama 283 (22), 2948-2954, 2000 | 1140 | 2000 |
Identifying effective teachers using performance on the job R Gordon, TJ Kane, DO Staiger Path to prosperity: Hamilton project ideas on income security, education …, 2006 | 991* | 2006 |
The NAIRU, unemployment and monetary policy D Staiger, JH Stock, MW Watson Journal of economic perspectives 11 (1), 33-49, 1997 | 923 | 1997 |
Can you recognize an effective teacher when you recruit one? JE Rockoff, BA Jacob, TJ Kane, DO Staiger Education finance and Policy 6 (1), 43-74, 2011 | 856 | 2011 |
How precise are estimates of the natural rate of unemployment? DO Staiger, JH Stock, MW Watson Reducing inflation: Motivation and strategy, 195-246, 1997 | 835* | 1997 |
The promise and pitfalls of using imprecise school accountability measures TJ Kane, DO Staiger Journal of Economic perspectives 16 (4), 91-114, 2002 | 827 | 2002 |
The Recent Surge In Nurse Employment: Causes And Implications: Recession effects that have eased the shortage of hospital nurses must be viewed as temporary, lest they distract … PI Buerhaus, DI Auerbach, DO Staiger Health Affairs 28 (Suppl3), w657-w668, 2009 | 738 | 2009 |
Searching for effective teachers with imperfect information DO Staiger, JE Rockoff Journal of Economic perspectives 24 (3), 97-118, 2010 | 622 | 2010 |
Have we identified effective teachers? Validating measures of effective teaching using random assignment TJ Kane, DF McCaffrey, T Miller, DO Staiger Research Paper. MET Project. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 2013 | 560 | 2013 |
School choice, school quality, and postsecondary attainment DJ Deming, JS Hastings, TJ Kane, DO Staiger American Economic Review 104 (3), 991-1013, 2014 | 538 | 2014 |
Parental preferences and school competition: Evidence from a public school choice program JS Hastings, TJ Kane, DO Staiger National Bureau of Economic Research, 2005 | 524 | 2005 |
Creating Accountable Care Organizations: The Extended Hospital Medical Staff: A new approach to organizing care and ensuring accountability. ES Fisher, DO Staiger, JPW Bynum, DJ Gottlieb Health affairs 25 (Suppl1), W44-W57, 2006 | 478 | 2006 |
School quality, neighborhoods, and housing prices TJ Kane, SK Riegg, DO Staiger American law and economics review 8 (2), 183-212, 2006 | 467 | 2006 |
Productivity spillovers in health care: evidence from the treatment of heart attacks A Chandra, DO Staiger Journal of political Economy 115 (1), 103-140, 2007 | 451 | 2007 |
Is there monopsony in the labor market? Evidence from a natural experiment DO Staiger, J Spetz, CS Phibbs Journal of Labor Economics 28 (2), 211-236, 2010 | 439 | 2010 |
Heterogeneous preferences and the efficacy of public school choice J Hastings, TJ Kane, DO Staiger NBER working paper 2145, 1-46, 2009 | 428 | 2009 |