Mario Ordaz
Mario Ordaz
Zweryfikowany adres z pumas.iingen.unam.mx
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Cytowane przez
Source spectra and spectral attenuation of seismic waves from Mexican earthquakes, and evidence of amplification in the hill zone of Mexico City
M Ordaz, S Krishna Singh
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 82 (1), 24-43, 1992
The Mexico earthquake of September 19, 1985—a study of amplification of seismic waves in the valley of Mexico with respect to a hill zone site
SK Singh, J Lermo, T Dominguez, M Ordaz, JM Espinosa, E Mena, ...
Earthquake spectra 4 (4), 653-673, 1988
Inslab earthquakes of central Mexico: peak ground-motion parameters and response spectra
D García, SK Singh, M Herráiz, M Ordaz, JF Pacheco
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 95 (6), 2272-2282, 2005
Seismic energy release in Mexican subduction zone earthquakes
SK Singh, M Ordaz
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 84 (5), 1533-1550, 1994
Estimation of strength‐reduction factors for elastoplastic systems: a new approach
M Ordaz, LE Pérez‐Rocha
Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics 27 (9), 889-901, 1998
A spectral analysis of the 21 May 1997, Jabalpur, India, earthquake (Mw = 5.8) and estimation of ground motion from future earthquakes in the Indian shield region
SK Singh, M Ordaz, RS Dattatrayam, HK Gupta
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 89 (6), 1620-1630, 1999
A scheme of random summation of an empirical Green's function to estimate ground motions from future large earthquakes
M Ordaz, J Arboleda, SK Singh
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 85 (6), 1635-1647, 1995
CAPRA–comprehensive approach to probabilistic risk assessment: international initiative for risk management effectiveness
OD Cardona, M Ordaz, E Reinoso, LE Yamín, AH Barbat
Proceedings of the 15th world conference on earthquake engineering 1 (10), 2012
Spectral ratios for Mexico City from free-field recordings
E Reinoso, M Ordaz
Earthquake Spectra 15 (2), 273-295, 1999
Exact computation of input‐energy spectra from Fourier amplitude spectra
M Ordaz, B Huerta, E Reinoso
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 32 (4), 597-605, 2003
The Mexico Earthquake of September 19, 1985—Design Spectra for Mexico's Federal District
E Rosenblueth, M Ordaz, FJ Sánchez-Sesma, SK Singh
Earthquake Spectra 5 (1), 273-291, 1989
On the origin of long coda observed in the lake-bed strong-motion records of Mexico City
SK Singh, M Ordaz
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 83 (4), 1298-1306, 1993
Earthquake hazard in Mexico City: Observations versus computations
M Ordaz, C Reyes
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 89 (5), 1379-1383, 1999
CRISIS2007. Program for computing seismic hazard
M Ordaz, A Aguilar, J Arboleda
Instituto de Ingenierıa, Universidad Naconal Autónoma de México, UNAM, México, 2007
Probabilistic earthquake risk assessment using CAPRA: application to the city of Barcelona, Spain
MC Marulanda, ML Carreno, OD Cardona, MG Ordaz, AH Barbat
Natural hazards 69, 59-84, 2013
Strong ground-motion relations for Mexican interplate earthquakes
D Arroyo, D García, M Ordaz, MA Mora, SK Singh
Journal of Seismology 14, 769-785, 2010
CRISIS2007–Ver. 1.1: Program for computing seismic hazard
M Ordaz, A Aguilar, J Arboleda
Instituto de Ingenieria, UNAM, Mexico, 2007
Modelación probabilista para la gestión del riesgo de desastre
LE Yamin, F Ghesquiere, OD Cardona, MG Ordaz
Updated seismic design guidelines for model building code of Mexico
A Tena-Colunga, U Mena-Hernández, LE Pérez-Rocha, J Avilés, M Ordaz, ...
Earthquake Spectra 25 (4), 869-898, 2009
A study of amplification of seismic waves in the Valley of Mexico with respect to a hill zone site
SK Singh, J Lermo, T Domínguez, M Ordaz, JM Espinosa, E Mena
Earthquake spectra 4 (4), 653-673, 1988
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