Structural equation modeling with AMOS: Basic concepts, applications, and programming (2nd ed.). BM Byrne Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2010 | 56686* | 2010 |
Structural equation modeling with LISREL, PRELIS, and SIMPLIS: Basic concepts, applications, and programming BM Byrne Erlbaum, 1998 | 53744* | 1998 |
Structural equation modeling with AMOS: Basic concepts, applications, and programming (1st ed.) BM Byrne Erlbaum, 2001 | 50600* | 2001 |
Structural equation modeling with Amos: Basic concepts, applications, and programming (3rd ed.) BM Byrne Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2016 | 50590* | 2016 |
Structural equation modeling with Mplus: Basic concepts, applications, and programming BM Byrne Taylor Francis/Routledge, 2012 | 49804 | 2012 |
Structural equation modeling with EQS and EQS Windows: Basic concepts, applications, and programming (1st ed.) BM Byrne Sage, 1994 | 7647* | 1994 |
Testing for the equivalence of factor covariance and mean structures: The issue of partial measurement invariance. BM Byrne, RJ Shavelson, B Muthén Psychological Bulletin 105 (3), 456-466, 1989 | 5141 | 1989 |
Structural equation modeling with EQS: Basic concepts, applications, and programming (2nd Ed.) BM Byrne Erlbaum, 2006 | 3813* | 2006 |
A primer of LISREL: Basic applications and programming for confirmatory factor analytic models BM Byrne Springer Verlag, 1989 | 2973* | 1989 |
A primer of LISREL: Basic application and programming for confirmatory factor analysis model BM Byrne NY: Springer-Verlag, 1989 | 2958* | 1989 |
Structural equation modeling with AMOS, EQS, and LISREL: Comparative approaches to testing for the factorial validity of a measuring instrument BM Byrne International Journal of Testing 1, 55-86, 2001 | 2486 | 2001 |
A multifaceted academic self-concept: Its hierarchical structure and its relation to academic achievement. HW Marsh, BM Byrne, RJ Shavelson Journal of Educational Psychology 80 (3), 366-380, 1988 | 1635 | 1988 |
The general/academic self-concept nomological network: A review of construct validation research BM Byrne Review of Educational Research 54 (3), 427-456, 1984 | 1522 | 1984 |
Measuring self-concept across the lifespan: Issues and instrumentation BM Byrne American Psychological Association, 1996 | 1487 | 1996 |
Testing for multigroup invariance using AMOS graphics: A road less traveled BM Byrne Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 11 (2), 272-300, 2004 | 1381 | 2004 |
Burnout: Testing for the validity, replication, and invariance of causal structure across elementary, intermediate, and secondary teachers B Byrne American Educational Research Journal 31, 645-673, 1994 | 1201 | 1994 |
Testing for multigroup equivalence of a measuring instrument: A walk through the process BM Byrne Psicothema 20 (4), 872-882, 2008 | 1195 | 2008 |
Structural equation modeling with LISREL, PRELIS, and SIMPLIS BM Byrne Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 1998 | 956 | 1998 |
Cross-cultural comparisons and the presumption of equivalent measurement and theoretical structure: A look beneath the surface BM Byrne, TL Campbell Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 30 (5), 555-574, 1999 | 790 | 1999 |
Testing for measurement and structural equivalence in large-scale cross-cultural studies BM Byrne, F van de Vijver International Journal of Testing, 170-186, 2010 | 731* | 2010 |