Intracerebral microdialysis: I. Experimental studies of diffusion kinetics N Lindefors, G Amberg, U Ungerstedt Journal of pharmacological methods 22 (3), 141-156, 1989 | 282 | 1989 |
Phase-field simulation of dendritic growth in a shear flow R Tönhardt, G Amberg Journal of crystal growth 194 (3-4), 406-425, 1998 | 232 | 1998 |
Hydrodynamical instabilities of thermocapillary flow in a half-zone M Levenstam, G Amberg Journal of Fluid Mechanics 297, 357-372, 1995 | 219 | 1995 |
Phase-field simulations of non-isothermal binary alloy solidification I Loginova, G Amberg, J Ågren Acta materialia 49 (4), 573-581, 2001 | 217 | 2001 |
Nonlinear analysis of buoyant convection in binary solidification with application to channel formation G Amberg, GM Homsy Journal of Fluid Mechanics 252, 79-98, 1993 | 195 | 1993 |
Intracerebral microdialysis: II. Mathematical studies of diffusion kinetics G Amberg, N Lindefors Journal of pharmacological methods 22 (3), 157-183, 1989 | 185 | 1989 |
The phase-field approach and solute drag modeling of the transition to massive γ→ α transformation in binary Fe-C alloys I Loginova, J Odqvist, G Amberg, J Ågren Acta Materialia 51 (5), 1327-1339, 2003 | 181 | 2003 |
Three-dimensional phase-field modeling of martensitic microstructure evolution in steels HK Yeddu, A Malik, J Ågren, G Amberg, A Borgenstam Acta Materialia 60 (4), 1538-1547, 2012 | 158 | 2012 |
On the formation of Widmanstätten ferrite in binary Fe–C–phase-field approach I Loginova, J Ågren, G Amberg Acta Materialia 52 (13), 4055-4063, 2004 | 151 | 2004 |
Some generic capillary-driven flows W Villanueva, G Amberg International Journal of Multiphase Flow 32 (9), 1072-1086, 2006 | 143 | 2006 |
The splash of a solid sphere impacting on a liquid surface: numerical simulation of the influence of wetting M Do-Quang, G Amberg Physics of Fluids 21 (2), 2009 | 132 | 2009 |
Drop deformation and breakup T Kékesi, G Amberg, LP Wittberg International Journal of Multiphase Flow 66, 1-10, 2014 | 131 | 2014 |
Droplet dynamics in a bifurcating channel A Carlson, M Do-Quang, G Amberg International Journal of Multiphase Flow 36 (5), 397-405, 2010 | 122 | 2010 |
Finite element simulations using symbolic computing G Amberg, R Tönhardt, C Winkler Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 49 (4-5), 257-274, 1999 | 122 | 1999 |
Dissipation in rapid dynamic wetting A Carlson, M Do-Quang, G Amberg Journal of Fluid Mechanics 682, 213-240, 2011 | 112 | 2011 |
Phase-field simulation of weld solidification microstructure in an Al–Cu alloy A Farzadi, M Do-Quang, S Serajzadeh, AH Kokabi, G Amberg Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 16 (6), 065005, 2008 | 112 | 2008 |
Dendritic growth of randomly oriented nuclei in a shear flow R Tönhardt, G Amberg Journal of Crystal Growth 213 (1-2), 161-187, 2000 | 111 | 2000 |
Universality in dynamic wetting dominated by contact-line friction A Carlson, G Bellani, G Amberg Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (4 …, 2012 | 108 | 2012 |
Modeling of dynamic wetting far from equilibrium A Carlson, M Do-Quang, G Amberg Physics of fluids 21 (12), 2009 | 108 | 2009 |
Short and long time drop dynamics on lubricated substrates A Carlson, P Kim, G Amberg, HA Stone Europhysics letters 104 (3), 34008, 2013 | 105 | 2013 |