The combined solution C04 for Earth orientation parameters consistent with international terrestrial reference frame 2005 C Bizouard, D Gambis Geodetic Reference Frames: IAG Symposium Munich, Germany, 9-14 October 2006 …, 2009 | 282 | 2009 |
The IERS EOP 14C04 solution for Earth orientation parameters consistent with ITRF 2014 C Bizouard, S Lambert, C Gattano, O Becker, JY Richard Journal of Geodesy 93 (5), 621-633, 2019 | 277 | 2019 |
Achievements of the Earth orientation parameters prediction comparison campaign M Kalarus, H Schuh, W Kosek, O Akyilmaz, C Bizouard, D Gambis, ... Journal of Geodesy 84, 587-596, 2010 | 198 | 2010 |
Influence of the atmosphere on Earth rotation: what new can be learned from the recent atmospheric angular momentum estimates? A Brzeziński, C Bizouard, SD Petrov Surveys in Geophysics 23, 33-69, 2002 | 110 | 2002 |
Diurnal atmospheric forcing and temporal variations of the nutation amplitudes C Bizouard, A Brzeziński, S Petrov Journal of Geodesy 72, 561-577, 1998 | 76 | 1998 |
Considerations concerning the non-rigid Earth nutation theory F Arias, C Bizouard, P Bretagnon, A Brzezinski, B Buffett, N Capitaine, ... Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 72, 245-309, 1998 | 72 | 1998 |
A possible interrelation between Earth rotation and climatic variability at decadal time-scale L Zotov, C Bizouard, CK Shum Geodesy and Geodynamics 7 (3), 216-222, 2016 | 69 | 2016 |
Atmospheric torque on the Earth and comparison with atmospheric angular momentum variations O de Viron, C Bizouard, D Salstein, V Dehant Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 104 (B3), 4861-4875, 1999 | 65 | 1999 |
Remaining error sources in the nutation at the submilliarc second level V Dehant, M Feissel‐Vernier, O de Viron, C Ma, M Yseboodt, C Bizouard Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B5), 2003 | 62 | 2003 |
On modulations of the Chandler wobble excitation L Zotov, C Bizouard Journal of Geodynamics 62, 30-34, 2012 | 51 | 2012 |
Precession and nutation for a non-rigid Earth: comparison between theory and VLBI observations. J Souchay, M Feissel, C Bizouard, N Capitaine, M Bougeard Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 299, p. 277 299, 277, 1995 | 49 | 1995 |
Combined solution C04 for Earth rotation parameters consistent with International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2014 C Bizouard, S Lambert, O Becker, JY Richard IERS Notice. Available online: http://hpiers. obspm. fr/eoppc/eop/eopc04 C 4, 2017 | 47 | 2017 |
On atmospheric pressure perturbations on precession and nutations V Dehant, C Bizouard, J Hinderer, H Legros, M Greff-Lefftz Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 96 (1), 25-39, 1996 | 47 | 1996 |
The Earth’s variable Chandler wobble C Bizouard, F Remus, SB Lambert, L Seoane, D Gambis Astronomy & Astrophysics 526, A106, 2011 | 42 | 2011 |
Geophysical modelling of the polar motion C Bizouard Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2020 | 40 | 2020 |
Towards a synthesis of two cosmologies: the steady-state flickering Universe FM Sanchez, VA Kotov, C Bizouard Journal of cosmology 17, 7225-7237, 2011 | 37 | 2011 |
Hydrological excitation of polar motion derived from GRACE gravity field solutions L Seoane, J Nastula, C Bizouard, D Gambis International Journal of Geophysics 2011 (1), 174396, 2011 | 37 | 2011 |
Atmospheric and oceanic forcing of the rapid polar motion C Bizouard, L Seoane Journal of Geodesy 84 (1), 19-30, 2010 | 37 | 2010 |
The use of gravimetric data from GRACE mission in the understanding of polar motion variations L Seoane, J Nastula, C Bizouard, D Gambis Geophysical Journal International 178 (2), 614-622, 2009 | 35 | 2009 |
Influence of the earthquakes on the polar motion with emphasis on the Sumatra event C Bizouard J Journées Systèmes de Référence Spatio-Temporels, Proceedings, 229-232, 2005 | 32 | 2005 |