Kosakivska I.V. (Косаківська І.В.)
Kosakivska I.V. (Косаківська І.В.)
professor of plant physiology, head of phytohormonology dep., Institute of botany NAS of Ukraine
Zweryfikowany adres z botany.kiev.ua - Strona główna
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Molecular mechanisms of plant adaptive responses to heavy metals stress
IV Kosakivska, LM Babenko, KO Romanenko, IY Korotka, G Potters
Cell Biology International 45 (2), 258-272, 2021
Фізіолого-біохімічні основи адаптації рослин до стресів
ІВ Косаківська
К.: Сталь, 2003
Phenolic compounds in plants: Biogenesis and functions
LM Babenko, OE Smirnov, KO Romanenko, OK Trunova, IV Kosakivska
Ukr. Biochem. J 91 (3), 5-18, 2019
Lipoxygenases and their metabolites in formation of plant stress tolerance
LM Babenko, MM Shcherbatiuk, TD Skaterna, IV Kosakivska
The ukrainian biochemical journal, 5-21, 2017
Exogenous phytohormones in the regulation of growth and development of cereals under abiotic stresses
IV Kosakivska, NP Vedenicheva, LM Babenko, LV Voytenko, ...
Molecular Biology Reports 49 (1), 617-628, 2022
Стрессовые белки растений
ИВ Косаковская
К.: Фітосоціоцентр, 2008
Priming winter wheat seeds with the bacterial quorum sensing signal N-hexanoyl-L-homoserine lactone (C6-HSL) shows potential to improve plant growth and seed yield
OV Moshynets, LM Babenko, SP Rogalsky, OS Iungin, J Foster, ...
PLoS One 14 (2), e0209460, 2019
Phytohormones of microalgae: biological role and involvement in the regulation of physiological processes. Pt I. auxins, abscisic acid, ethylene
EA Romanenko, IV Kosakovskaya, PO Romanenko
International Journal on Algae 17 (3), 2015
Cytokinins as regulators of plant ontogenesis under different growth conditions
NP Vedenicheva, IV Kosakivska
Kiev: Nash Format (in Ukrainian), 2017
Phytohormones of Microalgae: Biological Role and Involvement in the Regulation of Physiological Processes
KO Romanenko, IV Kosakovskaya, PO Romanenko
International Journal on Algae 18 (2), 2016
Effect of temperature stresses on pigment content, lipoxygenase activity and cell ultrastructure of winter wheat seedlings
LM Babenko, IV Kosakivska, YA Akimov, DO Klymchuk, TD Skaternya
Genetics and plant physiology 4 (1-2), 117-125, 2014
Triticum spelta: Origin, biological characteristics and perspectives for use in breeding and agriculture
LM Babenko, HM Hospodarenko, RV Rozhkov, YF Pariy, MF Pariy, ...
Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems 9 (2), 250-257, 2018
Stress proteins and ultrastructural characteristics of leaf cells of plants with different types of ecological strategies
I Kosakivska, D Klymchuk, V Negretzky, D Bluma, A Ustinova
Gen Appl Plant Physiol 34 (3-4), 405-418, 2008
The importance of reactive oxygen species in the induction of plant resistance to heat stress
YY Kolupaev, YV Karpets, IV Kosakivska
Gen Appl Plant Physiol 34, 251-66, 2008
Polyfunctional phytohormone abscisic acid
LV Voytenko, IV Kosakivska
Visnyk Kharkiv. nats. ahr. univ. Ser. Biology 1 (37), 27-41, 2016
Фитогормональная регуляция процессов адаптации у растений: роль абсцизовой кислоты в устойчивости к стрессам
ИВ Косаковская, ЕВ Майдебура
Физиология и биохимия культ. растений 21 (4), 315-321, 1989
Jasmonic acid: role in biotechnology and the regulation of plants biochemical processes.
STD Babenko L.M., Kosakivska I.V.
Biotechnologia Acta 8 (2), 36-51, 2015
Адаптація рослин: біосинтез та функції стресових білків
ІВ Косаківська, ІВ Голов'янко
Український фітоценологічний збірник, 2006
Comparative analysis of cytokinins in mycelial biomass of medicinal mushrooms
NP Vedenicheva, GA Al-Maali, NA Bisko, MM Shcherbatiuk, ML Lomberg, ...
International journal of medicinal mushrooms 20 (9), 2018
Endogenous cytokinins in medicinal basidiomycetes mycelial biomass
NP Vedenicheva, GA Al-Maali, NY Mytropolska, OB Mykhaylova, ...
Biotechnologia Acta 9 (1), 55-63, 2016
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