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Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (16), 165108, 2012
310 2012 Ab initio Electron Mobility and Polar Phonon Scattering in GaAs JJ Zhou, M Bernardi
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232 2016 Perturbo: A software package for ab initio electron–phonon interactions, charge transport and ultrafast dynamics JJ Zhou, J Park, IT Lu, I Maliyov, X Tong, M Bernardi
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231 2021 Large-gap quantum spin Hall insulator in single layer bismuth monobromide Bi4Br4 JJ Zhou, W Feng, CC Liu, S Guan, Y Yao
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192 2014 Electron-Phonon Scattering in the Presence of Soft Modes and Electron Mobility in Perovskite from First Principles JJ Zhou, O Hellman, M Bernardi
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166 2018 Ultrafast hot carrier dynamics in GaN and its impact on the efficiency droop VA Jhalani, JJ Zhou, M Bernardi
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126 2017 Weak Topological Insulators and Composite Weyl Semimetals: ( , I) CC Liu, JJ Zhou, Y Yao, F Zhang
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118 2016 Charge transport in organic molecular semiconductors from first principles: The bandlike hole mobility in a naphthalene crystal NE Lee, JJ Zhou, LA Agapito, M Bernardi
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85 2018 Piezoelectric Electron-Phonon Interaction from Ab Initio Dynamical Quadrupoles: Impact on Charge Transport in Wurtzite GaN VA Jhalani, JJ Zhou, J Park, CE Dreyer, M Bernardi
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84 2020 Predicting charge transport in the presence of polarons: The beyond-quasiparticle regime in JJ Zhou, M Bernardi
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75 2019 First-principles calculation of Z2 topological invariants within the FP-LAPW formalism W Feng, J Wen, J Zhou, D Xiao, Y Yao
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65 2012 Long-range quadrupole electron-phonon interaction from first principles J Park, JJ Zhou, VA Jhalani, CE Dreyer, M Bernardi
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61 2020 Abrupt enhancement of noncentrosymmetry and appearance of a spin-triplet superconducting state in Li (Pd Pt ) B beyond S Harada, JJ Zhou, YG Yao, Y Inada, G Zheng
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60 2012 Valley-polarized quantum anomalous Hall phases and tunable topological phase transitions in half-hydrogenated Bi honeycomb monolayers CC Liu, JJ Zhou, Y Yao
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55 2015 Ab Initio Electron-Phonon Interactions in Correlated Electron SystemsJJ Zhou, J Park, I Timrov, A Floris, M Cococcioni, N Marzari, M Bernardi
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50 2021 Topological edge states in single-and multi-layer Bi4Br4 JJ Zhou, W Feng, GB Liu, Y Yao
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48 2015 Efficient ab initio calculations of electron-defect scattering and defect-limited carrier mobility IT Lu, JJ Zhou, M Bernardi
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45 2019 Ab initio electron-two-phonon scattering in GaAs from next-to-leading order perturbation theory NE Lee, JJ Zhou, HY Chen, M Bernardi
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42 2020 Engineering Topological Surface States and Giant Rashba Spin Splitting in BiTeI/Bi Te Heterostructures JJ Zhou, W Feng, Y Zhang, SA Yang, Y Yao
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36 2014 Spin-phonon relaxation times in centrosymmetric materials from first principles J Park, JJ Zhou, M Bernardi
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