Responsibility beyond borders: state responsibility for extraterritorial violations by corporations of international human rights law R McCorquodale, P Simons The Modern Law Review 70 (4), 598-625, 2007 | 395 | 2007 |
The governance gap: extractive industries, human rights, and the home state advantage P Simons, A Macklin Routledge, 2014 | 188 | 2014 |
International Law's Invisible Hand and the Future of Corporate Accountability for Human Rights Violations P Simons Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 3 (1), 5-43, 2012 | 86* | 2012 |
Integrating sustainable development into international investment agreements: a guide for developing country negotiators JA VanDuzer, JA VanDuzer, P Simons, G Mayeda Commonwealth Secretariat, 2013 | 68 | 2013 |
Redefining Sovereignty in International Economic Law W Shan, P Simons, D Singh Hart, Oxford., 2008 | 55 | 2008 |
Deconstructing Engagement: Corporate Self-Regulation in Conflict Zones: Implications for Human Rights and Canadian Public Policy G Gagnon University of Toronto School of Law, 2003 | 53 | 2003 |
Corporate voluntarism and human rights: The adequacy and effectiveness of voluntary self-regulation regimes P Simons Relations industrielles 59 (1), 101-141, 2004 | 50 | 2004 |
Relations of Ruling: A Feminist Critique of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and Violence against Women in the Context of … P Simons, M Handl Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 31 (1), 113-150, 2019 | 45 | 2019 |
Canada's Enhanced CSR Strategy: Human Rights Due Diligence and Access to Justice for Victims of Extraterritorial Corporate Human Rights Abuses P Simons Can. Bus. LJ 56, 167, 2014 | 36* | 2014 |
Participatory rights in the Ontario mining sector: An international human rights perspective P Simons, L Collins McGill Int'l J. Sust. Dev. L. & Pol'y 6, 177, 2010 | 27 | 2010 |
Unsustainable international law: Transnational resource extraction and violence against women P Simons Transnat'l L. & Contemp. Probs. 26, 415, 2016 | 25 | 2016 |
Humanitarian intervention: A review of literature Project Ploughshares Project Ploughshares, 2001 | 19 | 2001 |
The emergence of the idea of the individualized state in the international legal system P Simons J. Hist. Int'l L. 5, 293, 2003 | 18 | 2003 |
Gender and intersectionality in business and human rights scholarship MN Handl, SL Seck, P Simons Business and Human Rights Journal 7 (2), 201-225, 2022 | 17 | 2022 |
Selectivity in law-making: Regulating extraterritorial environmental harm and human rights violations by transnational extractive corporations P Simons Research Handbook on Human Rights and the Environment, 473-507, 2015 | 17 | 2015 |
The value-added of a treaty to regulate transnational corporations and other business enterprises moving forward strategically P Simons Building a treaty on business and human rights: context and contours, 48-78, 2017 | 16 | 2017 |
Resource extraction and the human rights of women and girls SL Seck, P Simons Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 31 (1), i-vii, 2019 | 14 | 2019 |
Deconstructing engagement G Gagnon, A Macklin, PC Simons Available at SSRN 557002, 2003 | 13 | 2003 |
Professional responsibility and the defence of extractive corporations in transnational human rights and environmental litigation in Canadian courts A Salyzyn, P Simons Legal Ethics 24 (1), 24-48, 2021 | 12 | 2021 |
Binding the hand that feeds them: The agreement on agriculture, transnational corporations and the right to adequate food in developing countries PC Simons Transnational Corporations and the Right to Adequate Food in Developing …, 2008 | 7 | 2008 |