Non-oxidative methane conversion in microwave-assisted structured reactors I Julian, H Ramirez, JL Hueso, R Mallada, J Santamaria Chemical Engineering Journal 377, 119764, 2019 | 123 | 2019 |
Microwave-assisted catalytic combustion for the efficient continuous cleaning of VOC-containing air streams H Nigar, I Julián, R Mallada, J Santamaría Environmental science & technology 52 (10), 5892-5901, 2018 | 62 | 2018 |
Supercritical solvothermal synthesis under reducing conditions to increase stability and durability of Mo/ZSM-5 catalysts in methane dehydroaromatization I Julian, MB Roedern, JL Hueso, S Irusta, AK Baden, R Mallada, Z Davis, ... Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 263, 118360, 2020 | 58 | 2020 |
Temperature homogeneity under selective and localized microwave heating in structured flow reactors A Malhotra, W Chen, H Goyal, PJ Plaza-Gonzalez, I Julian, ... Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 60 (18), 6835-6847, 2021 | 53 | 2021 |
Polyoxometalates as alternative Mo precursors for methane dehydroaromatization on Mo/ZSM-5 and Mo/MCM-22 catalysts I Julian, JL Hueso, N Lara, A Solé-Daurá, JM Poblet, SG Mitchell, ... Catalysis Science & Technology 9 (21), 5927-5942, 2019 | 50 | 2019 |
Overcoming stability problems in microwave-assisted heterogeneous catalytic processes affected by catalyst coking I Julian, CM Pedersen, K Achkasov, JL Hueso, HL Hellstern, H Silva, ... Catalysts 9 (10), 867, 2019 | 49 | 2019 |
Effect of the presence of light hydrocarbon mixtures on hydrogen permeance through Pd–Ag alloyed membranes H Montesinos, I Julián, J Herguido, M Menéndez International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 40 (8), 3462-3471, 2015 | 44 | 2015 |
Two-zone fluidized bed reactor (TZFBR) with palladium membrane for catalytic propane dehydrogenation: Experimental performance assessment JA Medrano, I Julián, FR Garcia-Garcia, K Li, J Herguido, M Menéndez Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52 (10), 3723-3731, 2013 | 41 | 2013 |
From bench scale to pilot plant: A 150x scaled-up configuration of a microwave-driven structured reactor for methane dehydroaromatization I Julian, CM Pedersen, AB Jensen, AK Baden, JL Hueso, AV Friderichsen, ... Catalysis Today 383, 21-30, 2022 | 34 | 2022 |
High-radiance LED-driven fluidized bed photoreactor for the complete oxidation of n-hexane in air CJ Bueno-Alejo, JL Hueso, R Mallada, I Julian, J Santamaria Chemical Engineering Journal 358, 1363-1370, 2019 | 33 | 2019 |
Coupled PIV/DIA for fluid dynamics studies on a two-section two-zone fluidized bed reactor I Julián, F Gallucci, M van Sint Annaland, J Herguido, M Menéndez Chemical Engineering Journal 207, 122-132, 2012 | 33 | 2012 |
Pd-Ag Membrane Coupled to a Two-Zone Fluidized Bed Reactor (TZFBR) for Propane Dehydrogenation on a Pt-Sn/MgAl2O4 Catalyst JA Medrano, I Julián, J Herguido, M Menéndez Membranes 3 (2), 69-86, 2013 | 28 | 2013 |
Hydrodynamic study of a two-section two-zone fluidized bed reactor with an immersed tube bank via PIV/DIA I Julián, F Gallucci, M van Sint Annaland, J Herguido, M Menéndez Chemical Engineering Science 134, 238-250, 2015 | 27 | 2015 |
Particle mixing in a two-section two-zone fluidized bed reactor. Experimental technique and counter-current back-mixing model validation I Julián, J Herguido, M Menéndez Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52 (38), 13587-13596, 2013 | 24 | 2013 |
Microwave-assisted, performance-advantaged electrification of propane dehydrogenation Y Kwak, C Wang, CA Kavale, K Yu, E Selvam, R Mallada, J Santamaria, ... Science Advances 9 (37), eadi8219, 2023 | 21 | 2023 |
Gas permeation effect on the two-section two-zone fluidized bed membrane reactor (TS-TZFBMR) fluid dynamics: A CFD simulation study I Julián, J Herguido, M Menéndez Chemical Engineering Journal 305, 201-211, 2016 | 19 | 2016 |
CFD model prediction of the two-section two-zone fluidized bed reactor (TS-TZFBR) hydrodynamics I Julián, J Herguido, M Menéndez Chemical Engineering Journal 248, 352-362, 2014 | 18 | 2014 |
Experimental and simulated solids mixing and bubbling behavior in a scaled two-section two-zone fluidized bed reactor I Julián, J Herguido, M Menéndez Chemical Engineering Science 143, 240-255, 2016 | 16 | 2016 |
A non-parametric bubble size correlation for a Two-Section Two-Zone Fluidized Bed Reactor (TS-TZFBR) I Julián, J Herguido, M Menéndez Powder Technology 256, 146-157, 2014 | 16 | 2014 |
Advances in the circularity of end-of-life fibre-reinforced polymers by microwave intensification I Julian, A García-Jiménez, A Aguado, C Arenal, A Calero, V Campos, ... Chemical engineering and processing-process intensification 178, 109015, 2022 | 15 | 2022 |