Union membership and contract coverage in the United States, 1983–1988 MA Curme, BT Hirsch, DA Macpherson ILR Review 44 (1), 5-33, 1990 | 153 | 1990 |
Unions and nonunion wage dispersion LM Kahn, M Curme The Review of Economics and Statistics, 600-607, 1987 | 67 | 1987 |
Worker quality and labor market sorting M Curme, N Stefanec Economics Letters 96 (2), 202-208, 2007 | 44 | 2007 |
The Impact of the Threat of Bankruptcy on the Structure of Compensation M Curme, LM Kahn Journal of Labor Economics 8 (4), 419-447, 1990 | 33 | 1990 |
Union wage differentials and the effects of industry and local union density: Evidence from the 1980s MA Curme, DA Macpherson Journal of Labor Research 12 (4), 419-427, 1991 | 31 | 1991 |
Competition and pay for National Hockey League players born in Québec MA Curme, GM Daugherty Journal of Sports Economics 5 (2), 186-205, 2004 | 29 | 2004 |
Pension coverage and borrowing constraints MA Curme, WE Even Journal of Human Resources, 701-712, 1995 | 22 | 1995 |
Union membership and contract coverage in the US, 1983-1988 M Curme, B Hirsch, D MacPherson Industrial and Labor Relations Review 44 (1), 1990 | 11 | 1990 |
8: Macpherson, DA 1990 MA Curme, BT Hirsch Union membership and contract cov-erage in the United States. Industrial and …, 1983 | 7 | 1983 |
Union Membership in the United States, 1983-1988 M Curme, B Hirsch, D Macpherson Industrial and Labor Relations Review 44, 5-33, 1990 | 6 | 1990 |
Formative assessment in economics courses WB Walstad, M Curme, KS Carson, I Ghosh Teaching Innovations in Economics, 2010 | 3 | 2010 |
Understanding the sunk cost effect: An experimental approach SR Elliott, M Curme Mimeo, Miami University, 1998 | 3 | 1998 |
Provost’s Academic Integrity Implementation Committee Final Report and Recommendations CE Paternite, A Beckett, C Bishop-Clark, M Curme, T Farmer, BH Rose, ... | | 2007 |
Quality Sorting and Method of Pay M Curme, W Even, M Monestero | | 2006 |
Understanding the Sunk Cost Effect: An Experimental Approach M Curme, SR Elliott | | 2006 |
First in 2009 Academic Integrity Subcommittee Final Report M Bailey-Van Kuren, JD Berry, M Curme, J Heyda, KL Johnson, N Oyer, ... | | 2006 |
Forecasting Retirement Needs and Retirement Wealth MA Curme Journal of Economic Literature 40 (1), 192-194, 2002 | | 2002 |
lustriol & eT ɔr Relotions MA Curme, BT Hirsch, DA Macpherson | | |