Kirill Bogdanov
Kirill Bogdanov
ITMO University
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Annealing-induced structural changes of carbon onions: high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and Raman studies
K Bogdanov, A Fedorov, V Osipov, T Enoki, K Takai, T Hayashi, ...
Carbon 73, 78-86, 2014
Influence of the solvent environment on luminescent centers within carbon dots
EA Stepanidenko, IA Arefina, PD Khavlyuk, A Dubavik, KV Bogdanov, ...
Nanoscale 12 (2), 602-609, 2020
Luminescent isolated diamond particles with controllably embedded silicon-vacancy colour centres
SA Grudinkin, NA Feoktistov, AV Medvedev, KV Bogdanov, AV Baranov, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 45 (6), 062001, 2012
Structure and luminescent properties of Dy3+ activated NaLa9 (SiO4) 6O2 yellow-emitting phosphors for application in white LEDs
S Slimi, P Loiko, K Bogdanov, A Volokitina, RM Solé, M Aguiló, F Díaz, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 896, 163109, 2022
Transparent glass–ceramics with (Eu3+, Yb3+): YNbO4 nanocrystals: Crystallization, structure, optical spectroscopy and cooperative upconversion
PA Loiko, OS Dymshits, IP Alekseeva, AA Zhilin, MY Tsenter, ...
Journal of Luminescence 179, 64-73, 2016
Comparative analysis of Raman spectra of PbS macro-and nanocrystals
AV Baranov, KV Bogdanov, EV Ushakova, SA Cherevkov, AV Fedorov, ...
Optics and Spectroscopy 109, 268-271, 2010
Saturable absorber: transparent glass-ceramics based on a mixture of Co:β-Zn2SiO4 and Co:ZnO nanocrystals
P Loiko, OS Dymshits, VV Vitkin, NA Skoptsov, AA Zhilin, DV Shemchuk, ...
Applied Optics 55 (21), 5505-5512, 2016
Structure and nonlinear optical properties of novel transparent glass-ceramics based on Co2+: ZnO nanocrystals
PA Loiko, OS Dymshits, VV Vitkin, NA Skoptsov, AA Zhilin, DV Shemchuk, ...
Laser Physics Letters 13 (5), 055803, 2016
Micro‐Raman characterization of laser‐induced local thermo‐oxidation of thin chromium films
AV Baranov, KV Bogdanov, AV Fedorov, MV Yarchuk, AI Ivanov, VP Veiko, ...
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 42 (9), 1780-1783, 2011
Highly intensive emission of the NV− centers in synthetic HPHT microdiamonds at low nitrogen doping
KV Bogdanov, MV Zhukovskaya, VY Osipov, EV Ushakova, MA Baranov, ...
APL Materials 6 (8), 2018
Structural transformations and spectroscopic properties of Ni-doped magnesium aluminosilicate glass-ceramics nucleated by a mixture of TiO2 and ZrO2 for broadband near-IR light …
A Dugue, O Dymshits, L Cormier, P Loiko, I Alekseeva, M Tsenter, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 780, 137-146, 2019
High-quality green-emitting nanodiamonds fabricated by HPHT sintering of polycrystalline shockwave diamonds
VY Osipov, FM Shakhov, KV Bogdanov, K Takai, T Hayashi, F Treussart, ...
Nanoscale Research Letters 15 (1), 209, 2020
Does progressive nitrogen doping intensify negatively charged nitrogen vacancy emission from e-beam-irradiated Ib type high-pressure–high-temperature diamonds?
AI Shames, VY Osipov, KV Bogdanov, AV Baranov, MV Zhukovskaya, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (9), 5232-5240, 2017
Structure, optical properties and preferential site substitution of Eu3+ activated Ca8NaBi (PO4) 6F2 red emitting phosphors prepared by modified Pechini process
S Slimi, P Loiko, A Volokitina, K Bogdanov, RM Solé, M Aguiló, F Díaz, ...
Journal of Luminescence 241, 118523, 2022
Crystallization and nonlinear optical properties of transparent glass-ceramics with Co: Mg (Al, Ga) 2O4 nanocrystals for saturable absorbers of lasers at 1.6–1.7 µm
PA Loiko, OS Dymshits, NA Skoptsov, AM Malyarevich, AA Zhilin, ...
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 103, 132-141, 2017
Enhancement of fluorescence and Raman scattering in cyanine-dye molecules on the surface of silicon-coated silver nanoparticles
AN Kamalieva, NA Toropov, KV Bogdanov, TA Vartanyan
Optics and spectroscopy 124, 319-322, 2018
Structure and upconversion luminescence of transparent glass-ceramics containing (Er, Yb) 2 (Ti, Zr) 2O7 nanocrystals
OS Dymshits, PA Loiko, NA Skoptsov, AM Malyarevich, KV Yumashev, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 409, 54-62, 2015
Thermochemical writing with high spatial resolution on Ti films utilising picosecond laser
VP Veiko, RA Zakoldaev, EA Shakhno, DA Sinev, ZK Nguyen, ...
Optical Materials Express 9 (6), 2729-2737, 2019
Chemical vapor deposition of isolated spherical diamond particles with embedded silicon-vacancy color centers onto the surface of synthetic opal
SA Grudinkin, NA Feoktistov, KV Bogdanov, MA Baranov, AV Baranov, ...
Semiconductors 48, 268-271, 2014
Layer Number Dependence of Charge Density Wave Phase Transition Between Nearly-Commensurate and Incommensurate Phases in 1T-TaS2
Y Ishiguro, K Bogdanov, N Kodama, M Ogiba, T Ohno, A Baranov, K Takai
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (49), 27176-27184, 2020
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