Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Angel JorbaLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelig noe sted: 1
On non-smooth pitchfork bifurcations in invertible quasi-periodically forced 1-D maps
A Jorba, FJ Muñoz–Almaraz, JC Tatjer
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 24 (4), 588-608, 2018
Mandater: Government of Spain
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 29
Two periodic models for the Earth-Moon system
M Jorba-Cuscó, A Farrés, À Jorba
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics 4, 32, 2018
Mandater: European Commission, Government of Spain
Families of Halo-like invariant tori around in the Earth-Moon Bicircular Problem
JJ Rosales, A Jorba, M Jorba-Cuscó
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 133 (4), 16, 2021
Mandater: European Commission, Government of Spain
The vicinity of the Earth–Moon point in the bicircular problem
À Jorba, M Jorba-Cuscó, JJ Rosales
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 132 (2), 11, 2020
Mandater: European Commission, Government of Spain
On the stabilizing effect of Solar Radiation Pressure in the Earth-Moon system
M Jorba-Cusco, A Farrés, À Jorba
Advances in Space Research 67 (9), 2812-2822, 2021
Mandater: European Commission, Government of Spain
Numerical integration of high-order variational equations of ODEs
J Gimeno, À Jorba, M Jorba-Cuscó, N Miguel, M Zou
Applied Mathematics and Computation 442, 127743, 2023
Mandater: European Commission, Government of Spain
Hopf bifurcations to quasi-periodic solutions for the two-dimensional plane Poiseuille flow
PS Casas, A Jorba
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 17 (7), 2864-2882, 2012
Mandater: Government of Spain
Using invariant manifolds to capture an asteroid near the L3 point of the Earth-Moon Bicircular model
A Jorba, B Nicolás
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 102, 105948, 2021
Mandater: European Commission, Government of Spain
Invariant manifolds near and in the quasi-bicircular problem
JJ Rosales, À Jorba, M Jorba-Cuscó
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 135 (2), 15, 2023
Mandater: European Commission, Government of Spain
Periodic motion for an imperfect solar sail near an asteroid
A Farrés, À Jorba, JM Mondelo, B Villac
Advances in Solar Sailing, 885-898, 2014
Mandater: Government of Spain
Numerical study of the geometry of the phase space of the Augmented Hill Three-Body problem
A Farrés, À Jorba, JM Mondelo
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 129, 25-55, 2017
Mandater: Government of Spain
Transfers from the Earth to Halo orbits in the Earth–Moon bicircular problem
JJ Rosales, À Jorba, M Jorba-Cuscó
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 133 (11-12), 55, 2021
Mandater: European Commission, Government of Spain
Using normal forms to study Oterma's transition in the Planar RTBP
G Duarte, À Jorba i Monte
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, 2023, vol. 28, num. 1, p …, 2023
Mandater: European Commission, Government of Spain, Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Numerical computation of high-order expansions of invariant manifolds of high-dimensional tori
J Gimeno, A Jorba, B Nicolás, E Olmedo
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 21 (3), 1832-1861, 2022
Mandater: European Commission, Government of Spain, Government of Italy
On the effect of time lags on a saddle-node remnant in hyperbolic replicators
J Gimeno, A Jorba, J Sardanyés
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51 (38), 385601, 2018
Mandater: European Commission, Government of Spain
Solar sail resonant periodic orbits in the augmented Earth-Moon Quasi-Bicircular Problem
M Jorba-Cuscó, A Farrés, A Jorba
Presented at the 69th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany, 2018
Mandater: European Commission, Government of Spain
Weakly hyperbolic invariant tori for two dimensional quasiperiodically forced maps in a degenerate case
T Zhang, A Jorba, J Si
Discrete Contin. Dynam. Systems A 36, 6599-6622, 2016
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Government of Spain
Braids with the symmetries of Platonic polyhedra in the Coulomb (N+ 1)-body problem
M Fenucci, À Jorba
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 83, 105105, 2020
Mandater: European Commission, Government of Spain, Government of Italy
Leveraging L3 to transfer to L4 in the Sun-perturbed Earth-Moon system
Y Liang, B Nicolás, À Jorba
Acta Astronautica 189, 337-348, 2021
Mandater: European Commission, Government of Spain
Invariant manifolds near and in the Sun–Jupiter elliptic restricted three-body problem I
G Duarte, À Jorba
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 136 (4), 26, 2024
Mandater: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
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