Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Richard CronnLes mer
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The Douglas-fir genome sequence reveals specialization of the photosynthetic apparatus in Pinaceae
DB Neale, PE McGuire, NC Wheeler, KA Stevens, MW Crepeau, ...
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 7 (9), 3157-3167, 2017
Mandater: US Department of Agriculture
Functional trait divergence and trait plasticity confer polyploid advantage in heterogeneous environments
N Wei, R Cronn, A Liston, TL Ashman
New Phytologist 221 (4), 2286-2297, 2019
Mandater: US National Science Foundation
A Time and a Place for Everything: Phylogenetic history and geography as joint predictors of oak plastome phylogeny
KK Pham, AL HIPP, PS Manos, RC Cronn
Genome, 2017
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture
Development of Molecular Markers for Determining Continental Origin of Wood from White Oaks (Quercus L. sect. Quercus)
H Schroeder, R Cronn, Y Yanbaev, T Jennings, M Mader, B Degen, ...
PLoS ONE, 15, 2016
Mandater: US Department of Agriculture
PacBio-Based Mitochondrial Genome Assembly of Leucaena trichandra (Leguminosae) and an Intrageneric Assessment of Mitochondrial RNA Editing
L Kovar, M Nageswara-Rao, S Ortega-Rodriguez, DV Dugas, S Straub, ...
Genome biology and evolution 10 (9), 2501-2517, 2018
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, Swiss National Science Foundation, US …
Estimating the genetic diversity of Pacific salmon and trout using multigene eDNA metabarcoding
K Weitemier, BE Penaluna, LL Hauck, LJ Longway, T Garcia, R Cronn
Molecular Ecology,, 2021
Mandater: US Department of Agriculture
Transcription through the eye of a needle: daily and annual cyclic gene expression variation In Douglas-Fir needles
R Cronn, PC Dolan, S Jogdeo, JL Wegrzyn, DB Neale, JBS Clair, ...
BMC Genomics 18, 558, 2017
Mandater: US Department of Agriculture
Source identification of western Oregon Douglas‐fir wood cores using mass spectrometry and random forest classification
K Finch, E Espinoza, FA Jones, R Cronn
Applications in Plant Sciences 5 (5), 1600158, 2017
Mandater: US Department of Agriculture
Targeted capture sequencing in whitebark pine reveals range-wide demographic and adaptive patterns despite challenges of a large, repetitive genome
J Syring, R Cronn, JA Tennessen, TN Jennings, C Scelfo-Dalbey, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 484, 2016
Mandater: US Department of Agriculture
An Axiom SNP genotyping array for Douglas-fir
GT Howe, K Jayawickrama, SE Kolpak, J Kling, M Trappe, V Hipkins, T Ye, ...
BMC Genomics 21 (1), 1-17, 2020
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture
Comparative transcriptomics among four white pine species
EAG Baker, JL Wegrzyn, UU Sezen, T Falk, PE Maloney, DR Vogler, ...
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 8 (5), 1461-1474, 2018
Mandater: US Department of Energy, US Department of Agriculture
Evolution at the tips: Asclepias phylogenomics and new perspectives on leaf surfaces
M Fishbein, SCK Straub, J Boutte, K Hansen, RC Cronn, A Liston
American Journal of Botany 105 (3), 514-524, 2018
Mandater: US National Science Foundation
Tangled trios?: Characterizing a hybrid zone in Castilleja (Orobanchaceae)
EI Hersch‐Green, R Cronn
American Journal of Botany 96 (8), 1519-1531, 2009
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health
A draft genome and transcriptome of common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) as resources for evolutionary, ecological, and molecular studies in milkweeds and Apocynaceae
K Weitemier, SCK Straub, M Fishbein, CD Bailey, RC Cronn, A Liston
PeerJ 7, e7649, 2019
Mandater: US National Science Foundation
A new species and introgression in eastern Asian hemlocks (Pinaceae: Tsuga)
G Holman, P Del Tredici, N Havill, NS Lee, R Cronn, K Cushman, ...
Systematic Botany 42 (4), 733-746, 2017
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture
Genomic resources for the Neotropical tree genus Cedrela (Meliaceae) and its relatives
KN Finch, FA Jones, RC Cronn
BMC Genomics 20 (1), 1-17, 2019
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, US …
Plastome structural evolution and homoplastic inversions in Neo-Astragalus (Fabaceae)
JLM Charboneau, RC Cronn, A Liston, MF Wojciechowski, MJ Sanderson
Genome biology and evolution 13 (10), evab215, 2021
Mandater: US National Science Foundation
Casting a broader net: Using microfluidic metagenomics to capture aquatic biodiversity data from diverse taxonomic targets
LL Hauck, KA Weitemier, BE Penaluna, TS Garcia, R Cronn
Environmental DNA 1 (3), 251-267, 2019
Mandater: US Department of Agriculture
Predicting the geographic origin of Spanish Cedar (Cedrela odorata L.) based on DNA variation
FAJ Kristen N. Finch, Richard C. Cronn, Marianella C. Ayala Richter, Céline ...
Conservation Genetics, 2020
Mandater: US Department of Agriculture, US Agency for International Development
Creating, curating, and evaluating a mitogenomic reference database to improve regional species identification using environmental DNA
E Dziedzic, B Sidlauskas, R Cronn, J Anthony, T Cornwell, TA Friesen, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources,, 2023
Mandater: US Department of Agriculture
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