A comprehensive review of different types of solar photovoltaic cells and their applications N Rathore, NL Panwar, F Yettou, A Gama International Journal of Ambient Energy 42 (10), 1200-1217, 2021 | 202 | 2021 |
Solar cooker realizations in actual use: An overview F Yettou, B Azoui, A Malek, A Gama, NL Panwar Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 37, 288-306, 2014 | 146 | 2014 |
Etude comparative de deux modèles de calcul du rayonnement solaire par ciel clair en Algérie F Yettou, A Malek, M Haddadi, A Gama Journal of Renewable Energies 12 (2), 331–346-331–346, 2009 | 65 | 2009 |
Design optimization of a solar tower power plant heliostat field by considering different heliostat shapes A Belaid, A Filali, A Gama, B Bezza, T Arrif, M Bouakba International Journal of Energy Research 44 (14), 11524-11541, 2020 | 38 | 2020 |
Assessment of wind and solar energy resources in Batna, Algeria M Aksas, A Gama Energy Procedia 6, 459-466, 2011 | 38 | 2011 |
Design and realization of a novel sun tracking system with absorber displacement for parabolic trough collectors A Gama, C Larbes, A Malek, F Yettou, B Adouane Journal of Renewable and sustainable energy 5 (3), 2013 | 35 | 2013 |
Etude et réalisation d’un concentrateur cylindro parabolique avec poursuite solaire aveugle A Gama, M Haddadi, A Malek Journal of Renewable Energies 11 (3), 437–451-437–451, 2008 | 33 | 2008 |
Design and analysis of a novel ICS solar water heater with CPC reflectors MM Hadjiat, M Hazmoune, S Ouali, A Gama, MR Yaiche Journal of Energy Storage 16, 203-210, 2018 | 26 | 2018 |
Dust impact on concentrated solar power: A review K Zereg, A Gama, M Aksas, N Rathore, F Yettou, NL Panwar Environmental Engineering Research 27 (6), 2022 | 25 | 2022 |
Experimental investigation and thermal modelling of box and parabolic type solar cookers for temperature mapping F Yettou, A Gama, B Azoui, A Malek, NL Panwar Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 136, 1347-1364, 2019 | 23 | 2019 |
Heliostat field optimization and comparisons between biomimetic spiral and radial-staggered layouts for different heliostat shapes A Belaid, A Filali, S Hassani, T Arrif, M Guermoui, A Gama, M Bouakba Solar energy 238, 162-177, 2022 | 22 | 2022 |
Solar map of India under clear sky conditions N Rathore, NL Panwar, A Gama, F Yettou International Journal of Sustainable Energy 38 (5), 415-446, 2019 | 21 | 2019 |
Etude et réalisation d’un banc d’essai pour un chauffe-eau solaire à circulation forcée dans la région des Hauts Plateaux F Yettou, A Gama, C Hamouda, A Malek Journal of Renewable Energies 11 (1), 119–128-119–128, 2008 | 17 | 2008 |
Energetic and exergetic evaluation of solar box cooker in Algerian climatic conditions FY Gama, B Azoui, A Malek, NL Panwar, A Gama International Journal of Exergy 16 (3), 337-357, 2015 | 16 | 2015 |
Study and simulation of concentrating irradiance in box solar cooker with tracking reflectors F Yettou, B Azoui, A Malek, A Gama Journal of Renewable Energies 15 (4), 661–670-661–670, 2012 | 12 | 2012 |
Optical performance study of different shapes of solar cavity receivers used in central receiver system plant T Arrif, A Benchabane, M Guermoui, A Gama, H Merarda International Journal of Ambient Energy 42 (1), 81-95, 2021 | 11 | 2021 |
Generation of solar irradiation maps for various applications under Algerian clear-sky conditions A Gama, F Yettou, A Malek, NL Panwar International Journal of Ambient Energy 39 (3), 243-256, 2018 | 11 | 2018 |
Comparative assessment of two different designs of box solar cookers under algerian sahara conditions F Yettou, B Azoui, A Malek, NL Panwar, A Gama, T Arrif, H Merarda Journal of Renewable Energies 18 (2), 227–234-227–234, 2015 | 10 | 2015 |
The feasibility of new design of hybrid photovoltaic-thermal system–a theoretical approach H Ben Cheikh El Hocine, A Gama, K Touafek International Journal of Ambient Energy 39 (5), 496-507, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |
Receiver temperature maps of parabolic collector used for solar food cooking application in Algeria F Yettou Journal of Thermal Engineering 4 (1), 1656-1667, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |