Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - JAYA KUMAR SEELAMLes mer
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Rip current occurrences in meso tidal surf zones at a coastal stretch along the central west coast of India
EM Yadhunath, JK Seelam, M Jishad
Regional studies in marine science 51, 102180, 2022
Mandater: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 19
Decadal shoreline assessment using remote sensing along the central Odisha coast, India
RM Murali, R Dhiman, R Choudhary, JK Seelam, D Ilangovan, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 74 (10), 7201-7213, 2015
Mandater: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Climate change and coastal morphodynamics: Interactions on regional scales
P Chowdhury, NKG Lakku, S Lincoln, JK Seelam, MR Behera
Science of The Total Environment, 166432, 2023
Mandater: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Post-monsoon equilibrium beach profiles and longshore sediment transport rates at Candolim, Miramar and Keri beaches of Goa, India
JK Seelam, EM Yadhunath, M Jishad, R Gowthaman, C Rajasekaran, ...
Current Science 106 (3), 408-416, 2014
Mandater: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Khalkattapatna port: the lost archaeological heritage of Odisha, east coast of India.
S Tripati, RM Murali, JK Seelam, AK Pradhan, RP Behera, R Choudhury
Current Science (00113891) 109 (2), 2015
Mandater: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Surfzone currents at Candolim and Miramar beaches of Goa, India: measurements and comparisons
EM Yadhunath, JK Seelam, M Jishad, R Gowthaman, C Rajasekaran, ...
Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences 43, 7, 2014
Mandater: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Investigation of near-shore processes along North Goa beaches: A study based on field observations and numerical modelling
N Prakash, KU Ashly, JK Seelam, H Bhaskaran, EM Yadhunath, ...
Journal of Earth System Science 130 (4), 242, 2021
Mandater: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Comparison of bed shear under non-breaking and breaking solitary waves
JK Seelam, TE Baldock
The International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems 2 (4), 259-278, 2011
Mandater: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Sediment dynamics of tropical open coast beaches, central west coast of India: implications of spatio-temporal variability
LUE Okon, JK Seelam, S Kumari, L Hemanath
Geo-Marine Letters 43 (1), 3, 2023
Mandater: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Wave height distribution in unsaturated surf zones
M Jishad, EM Yadhunath, JK Seelam
Regional Studies in Marine Science 44, 101708, 2021
Mandater: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Wave Height Trends off Central West Coast of India
JP Kerkar, JK Seelam, BK Jena
Journal of Coastal Research 89 (SI), 97-104, 2020
Mandater: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, Department of Science …
Surfzone wave characteristics during flood tide on the central west coast of India
JK Seelam, M Jishad, EM Yadhunath, C Rajasekaran, R Gowthaman, ...
Coastal Engineering Journal 57 (4), 1550020-1-1550020-24, 2015
Mandater: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Trends in the surface wind-wave heights in the North Indian Ocean based on 50-year NCEP/NCAR reanalysis wind-wave data
JP Kerkar, JK Seelam
Regional Studies in Marine Science 72, 103430, 2024
Mandater: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, Department of Science …
Response of Sheltered and Built-up Coasts in the Wake of Natural Hazards: The Aftermath of the December 2004 Tsunami, Tamil Nadu, India
JK Seelam, A Mascarenhas
Tsunamis and Earthquakes in Coastal Environments: Significance and …, 2016
Mandater: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Detection of Decadal Shoreline Changes Along Dhamara and Maipura Coast, Odisha, India
RM Murali, R Dhiman, S Jayakumar, D Ilangovan, P Vethamony
Mandater: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Detection of decadal shoreline changes along Dhamara and Maipura coast, Odisha, India
R ManiMurali, R Dhiman, S Jayakumar, D Ilangovan, P Vethamony
Mandater: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Measurement and modeling of solitary wave induced bed shear stress over a rough bed
JK Seelam, TE Baldock
Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference 33, 1-15, 2012
Mandater: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Seasonal assessment of cross-shore morphodynamic behaviour of wave dominated beaches using data-driven analysis
LUE Okon, JK Seelam
Earth Science Informatics, 2023
Mandater: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Longshore currents on a meso-tidal beach of Goa, India-Measurements and improved formulae
EM Yadhunath, JK Seelam, PS Pednekar, RK Rajive, R Gowthaman
NIScPR-CSIR, India, 2023
Mandater: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Surfzone wave characteristics during flood tide on the central west coast of India
S Jayakumar, M Jishad, EM Yadhunath, C Rajasekaran, R Gowthaman, ...
World Scientific Publishing, 2015
Mandater: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
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