AN OCEAN‐BASIN‐WIDE MARK‐RECAPTURE STUDY OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC HUMPBACK WHALE (MEGAPTERA NOVAEANGLIAE) TD Smith, J Allen, PJ Clapham, PS Hammond, S Katona, F Larsen, J Lien, ... Marine Mammal Science 15 (1), 1-32, 1999 | 622 | 1999 |
Genetic tagging of humpback whales PJ Palsbøll, J Allen, M Berube, PJ Clapham, TP Feddersen, ... Nature 388 (6644), 767-769, 1997 | 449 | 1997 |
Population genetic structure of North Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea and Sea of Cortez fin whales, Balaenoptera physalus (Linnaeus 1758): analysis of mitochondrial … M Bérubé, A Aguilar, D Dendanto, F Larsen, G Notarbartolo Di Sciara, ... Molecular ecology 7 (5), 585-599, 1998 | 368 | 1998 |
Responsible fisheries in the marine ecosystem M Sinclair, R Arnason, J Csirke, Z Karnicki, J Sigurjonsson, HR Skjoldal, ... Fisheries Research 58 (3), 255-265, 2002 | 269 | 2002 |
Seasonal abundance of and estimated food consumption by cetaceans in Icelandic and adjacent waters J Sigurjónsson, GA Víkingsson Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science 22, 1997 | 226 | 1997 |
Distribution of mtDNA haplotypes in North Atlantic humpback whales: the influence of behaviour on population structure PJ Palsbøll, PJ Clapham, DK Mattila, F Larsen, R Sears, HR Siegismund, ... Marine Ecology Progress Series, 1-10, 1995 | 201 | 1995 |
North Atlantic humpback whale abundance and rate of increase four decades after protection from whaling PT Stevick, J Allen, PJ Clapham, N Friday, SK Katona, F Larsen, J Lien, ... Marine Ecology Progress Series 258, 263-273, 2003 | 199 | 2003 |
Segregation of migration by feeding ground origin in North Atlantic humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) PT Stevick, J Allen, M Bérubé, PJ Clapham, SK Katona, F Larsen, J Lien, ... Journal of Zoology 259 (3), 231-237, 2003 | 163 | 2003 |
Population spatial structuring on the feeding grounds in North Atlantic humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) PT Stevick, J Allen, PJ Clapham, SK Katona, F Larsen, J Lien, DK Mattila, ... Journal of Zoology 270 (2), 244-255, 2006 | 149 | 2006 |
Microsatellite genetic distances between oceanic populations of the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae). E Valsecchi, P Palsbøll, P Hale, D Glockner-Ferrari, M Ferrari, P Clapham, ... Molecular Biology and Evolution 14 (4), 355-362, 1997 | 130 | 1997 |
Populations genetic analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial loci in skin biopsies collected from central and northeastern North Atlantic humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae … AH Larsen, J Sigurjónsson, N Øien, G Vikingsson, P Palsb∅ ll Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1996 | 113 | 1996 |
NASS-87: Estimation of whale abundance based on observations made onboard Icelandic and Faroese survey vessels T Gunnlaugsson, J Sigurjónsson Report of the International Whaling Commission 40, 571-580, 1990 | 95 | 1990 |
Recent trends in abundance of blue (Balaenoptera musculus) and humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) off west and southwest Iceland, with a note on occurrence of other … J Sigurjónsson, T Gunnlaugsson Rep. int. Whal. Commn 40, 537-551, 1990 | 87 | 1990 |
Distribution and abundance of long-finned pilot whales in the North Atlantic, estimated from NASS-87 and NASS-89 data S Buckland, D Bloch, KL Cattanach, T Gunnlaugsson, K Hoydall, S Lens, ... Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo, 1993 | 79 | 1993 |
NASS-87: Shipboard sightings surveys in Icelandic and adjacent waters June-July 1987 J Sigurjónsson, T Gunnlaugsson, M Payne Report of the International Whaling Commission 39, 395-409, 1989 | 76 | 1989 |
Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) tracked by radio in the Irminger Sea WA Watkins, KE Moore Hafrannsoknastofnunin, 1984 | 70 | 1984 |
Species Hybridization between a Female Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus) and a Male Fin Whale (B. physalus): Molecular and Morphological Documentation R Spilliaert, G Vikingsson, U Arnason, A Palsdottir, J Sigurjonsson, ... Journal of Heredity 82 (4), 269-274, 1991 | 69 | 1991 |
Photoidentification of killer whales, Orcinus orca, off Iceland, 1981 through 1986 J Sigurjónsson | 63 | 1988 |
Recent changes in the diet composition of common minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) in Icelandic waters. A consequence of climate change? GA Víkingsson, BÞ Elvarsson, D Ólafsdóttir, J Sigurjónsson, V Chosson, ... Marine Biology Research 10 (2), 138-152, 2014 | 61 | 2014 |
Geographical, and seasonal variation in the diet of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in Icelandic coastal waters GA Víkingsson, D Ólafsdóttir, J Sigurjónsson NAMMCO Scientific Publications 5, 243-270, 2003 | 60 | 2003 |