Natural and human-induced hypoxia and consequences for coastal areas: synthesis and future development J Zhang, D Gilbert, AJ Gooday, L Levin, SWA Naqvi, JJ Middelburg, ... Biogeosciences 7 (5), 1443-1467, 2010 | 510 | 2010 |
Developing priority variables ("ecosystem Essential Ocean Variables" - eEOVs) for observing dynamics and change in Southern Ocean ecosystems Journal of Marine Systems 161, 26-41, 2016 | 129 | 2016 |
Listening forward: approaching marine biodiversity assessments using acoustic methods TA Mooney, L Di Iorio, M Lammers, TH Lin, SL Nedelec, M Parsons, ... Royal Society open science 7 (8), 201287, 2020 | 127 | 2020 |
An international quiet oceans experiment I Boyd, G Frisk, E Urban, P Tyack, J Ausubel, S Seeyave, D Cato, ... Oceanography, 2011 | 119 | 2011 |
Reduction in costs of diets for the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin), by the use of non-algal supplements ER Urban Jr, CJ Langdon Aquaculture 38 (4), 277-291, 1984 | 115 | 1984 |
The vision for a southern ocean observing system MP Meredith, O Schofield, L Newman, E Urban, M Sparrow Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 5 (3-4), 306-313, 2013 | 80 | 2013 |
Challenges for global ocean observation: the need for increased human capacity P Miloslavich, S Seeyave, F Muller-Karger, N Bax, E Ali, C Delgado, ... Journal of Operational Oceanography 12 (sup2), S137-S156, 2019 | 75 | 2019 |
Sounding the call for a global library of underwater biological sounds MJG Parsons, TH Lin, TA Mooney, C Erbe, F Juanes, M Lammers, S Li, ... Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 810156, 2022 | 74 | 2022 |
Harmful algal blooms: a scientific summary for policy makers R Kudela, E Berdalet, E Urban Unesco, 2015 | 74 | 2015 |
The Southern Ocean observing system: Initial science and implementation strategy SR Rintoul, M Sparrow, MP Meredith, V Wadley, K Speer, E Hofmann, ... SCAR and SCOR, 2012 | 71 | 2012 |
The ocean in a high CO2 World. R Cicerone, J Orr, P Brewer, P Haugan, L Merlivat, T Ohsumi, S Pantoja, ... EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 85 351, 2004 | 63 | 2004 |
Harmful algal blooms. A scientific summary for policy makers. IOC RM Kudela, E Berdalet, S Bernard, M Burford, L Fernand, S Lu, S Roy, ... UNESCO, IOC/INF-1320, 20pp, 2015 | 62 | 2015 |
GEOHAB: The Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms program motivation, goals, and legacy RM Kudela, E Berdalet, H Enevoldsen, G Pitcher, R Raine, E Urban Oceanography 30 (1), 12-21, 2017 | 55 | 2017 |
Effect of kaolinite clay on the feeding activity of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) ER Urban Jr, DL Kirchman Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology 160 (1), 47-60, 1992 | 51 | 1992 |
GlobalHAB: a new program to promote international research, observations, and modeling of harmful algal blooms in aquatic systems E Berdalet, R Kudela, E Urban, H Enevoldsen, NS Banas, E Bresnan, ... Oceanography 30 (1), 70-81, 2017 | 38 | 2017 |
Developing human capital for successful implementation of international marine scientific research projects RJ Morrison, J Zhang, ER Urban Jr, J Hall, V Ittekkot, B Avril, L Hu, ... Marine pollution bulletin 77 (1-2), 11-22, 2013 | 36 | 2013 |
Effect of ration on growth and growth efficiency of juveniles of Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin). ERJ Urban, GD Pruder, CJ Langdon | 36 | 1983 |
Research Priorities for Understanding Ocean Acidification: Summary From the Second Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World JC Orr, K Caldeira, V Fabry, JP Gattuso, P Haugan, P Lehodey, S Pantoja, ... Oceanography 22, 2009 | 34 | 2009 |
The 2nd International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2): motivating new exploration in a poorly understood basin. RR Hood, ER Urban, MJ McPhaden, D Su, E Raes Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin 25 (4), 117-124, 2016 | 30 | 2016 |
Science plan of the second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2): A basin-wide research program RR Hood, HW Bange, L Beal, LE Beckley, P Burkill, GL Cowie, ... | 30 | 2015 |