Elaine Munthe
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Educating digitally competent teachers: A study of integration of professional digital competence in teacher education
EJ Instefjord, E Munthe
Teaching and teacher education 67, 37-45, 2017
Preparing pre-service teachers to integrate technology: an analysis of the emphasis on digital competence in teacher education curricula
E Instefjord, E Munthe
European Journal of Teacher Education 39 (1), 77-93, 2016
Research based teacher education
E Munthe, M Rogne
Teaching and teacher education 46, 17-24, 2015
Bullying (1989): An international perspective
E Roland, E Munthe
Routledge, 2017
Students' perceptions of teacher support across the transition from primary to secondary school
E Bru, T Stornes, E Munthe, E Thuen
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 54 (6), 519-533, 2010
Teachers’ workplace and professional certainty
E Munthe
Teaching and teacher education 19 (8), 801-813, 2003
Mapping the quality of feedback to support students’ learning in lower secondary classrooms
SM Gamlem, E Munthe
Cambridge Journal of Education 44 (1), 75-92, 2014
Perceived social support at school and emotional and musculoskeletal complaints among Norwegian 8th grade students
E Bru, M Boyesen, E Munthe, E Roland
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 42 (4), 339-356, 1998
Bullying in Scandinavia
E Munthe
Bullying (1989), 66-78, 2017
Teacher education reform and challenges in Norway
E Munthe, KAS Malmo, M Rogne
International Perspectives on Teacher Education, 69-78, 2016
The 1996 Norwegian program for preventing and managing bullying in schools
E Roland, E Munthe
The Irish Journal of Psychology 18 (2), 233-247, 1997
Digitalisering i grunnopplæring; kunnskap, trender og framtidig kunnskapsbehov
E Munthe, O Erstad, MB Njå, S Forsström, Ø Gilje, S Amdam, S Moltudal, ...
Kunnskapssenter for utdanning: Universitetet i Stavanger, 2022
Lesson study in field practice: a time-lagged experiment in initial teacher education in Norway
E Munthe, R Bjuland, N Helgevold
International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies 5 (2), 142-154, 2016
Professional uncertainty/certainty: How (un) certain are teachers, what are they (un) certain about, and how is (un) certainty related to age, experience, gender …
E Munthe
European journal of teacher education 24 (3), 355-368, 2001
Lesson study: i utdanning og praksis
E Munthe, N Helgevold, R Bjuland
Cappelen damm akademisk, 2015
Ensomme svaler? En studie av praksisskolelæreres rapportering om identitet, kollektivitet og gjennomføring av praksisopplæringsperioder
FO Ohnstad, E Munthe
Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift 92 (6), 471-483, 2009
Evolution of research on teachers’ planning: Implications for teacher education
E Munthe, PF Conway
SAGE handbook of research on teacher education, 836-849, 2017
Lower secondary school teachers' judgements of pupils' problems
E Munthe, E Thuen
Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice 15 (5), 563-578, 2009
Inclusion of students with special education needs in Nordic countries: a systematic scoping review
S Keles, D Ten Braak, E Munthe
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 68 (3), 431-446, 2024
En integrert, profesjonsrettet og forskningsbasert grunnskolelærerutdanning
E Munthe, P Haug
Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift 94 (3), 188-203, 2010
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