Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Johan MarkdahlLes mer
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Almost Global Consensus on the n-Sphere
J Markdahl, J Thunberg, J Gonçalves
IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 63 (6), 1664-1675, 2017
Mandater: Luxembourg National Research Fund
A lifting method for analyzing distributed synchronization on the unit sphere
J Thunberg, J Markdahl, F Bernard, J Goncalves
Automatica 96, 253-258, 2018
Mandater: Luxembourg National Research Fund
Dynamic controllers for column synchronization of rotation matrices: a QR-factorization approach
J Thunberg, J Markdahl, J Goncalves
Automatica 93, 20-25, 2018
Mandater: Luxembourg National Research Fund
Distributed attitude control of multi-agent formations
L Wang, J Markdahl, X Hu
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 4513-4518, 2011
Mandater: Swedish Research Council
Cooperative object path following control by means of mobile manipulators: a switched systems approach
J Markdahl, Y Karayiannidis, X Hu
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (22), 773-778, 2012
Mandater: Swedish Research Council
Analytical solutions to feedback systems on the special orthogonal group SO(n)
J Markdahl, J Thunberg, J Hoppe, X Hu
Decision and Control (CDC), 2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on, 5246-5251, 2013
Mandater: Swedish Research Council
Polarization of multi-agent gradient flows over manifolds with application to opinion dynamics
L Mi, J Gonçalves, J Markdahl
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 69 (2), 1288-1295, 2023
Mandater: Luxembourg National Research Fund
Decentralized cooperative tracking subject to motion constraints
L Wang, J Markdahl, Z Liu, X Hu
Automatica 96, 121-126, 2018
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Swedish Research Council
Automatic traction control for articulated off-road vehicles
J Markdahl
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 31 (2), 945-952, 2022
Mandater: Vinnova, Sweden
A hybrid control approach to task priority based mobile manipulation
J Markdahl, X Hu, D Kragic, Y Karayiannidis
2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 801-806, 2015
Mandater: Swedish Research Council
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