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Scaling theory of the Anderson transition in random graphs: Ergodicity and universality
I Garcia-Mata, O Giraud, B Georgeot, J Martin, R Dubertrand, G Lemarié
Physical review letters 118 (16), 166801, 2017
Mandater: Australian Research Council, National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium …
Two critical localization lengths in the Anderson transition on random graphs
I García-Mata, J Martin, R Dubertrand, O Giraud, B Georgeot, G Lemarié
Physical Review Research 2 (1), 012020, 2020
Mandater: Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Government of Argentina
Chain breaking and Kosterlitz-Thouless scaling at the many-body localization transition in the random-field Heisenberg spin chain
N Laflorencie, G Lemarié, N Macé
Physical Review Research 2 (4), 042033, 2020
Mandater: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Critical properties of the Anderson transition on random graphs: Two-parameter scaling theory, Kosterlitz-Thouless type flow, and many-body localization
I García-Mata, J Martin, O Giraud, B Georgeot, R Dubertrand, G Lemarié
Physical Review B 106 (21), 214202, 2022
Mandater: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium, Agence Nationale de la …
Chaos-assisted tunneling resonances in a synthetic Floquet superlattice
M Arnal, G Chatelain, M Martinez, N Dupont, O Giraud, D Ullmo, ...
Science advances 6 (38), eabc4886, 2020
Mandater: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Two scenarios for quantum multifractality breakdown
R Dubertrand, I García-Mata, B Georgeot, O Giraud, G Lemarié, J Martin
Physical Review Letters 112 (23), 234101, 2014
Mandater: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium, Government of Argentina
Topological order in random interacting Ising-Majorana chains stabilized by many-body localization
N Laflorencie, G Lemarié, N Macé
Physical Review Research 4 (3), L032016, 2022
Mandater: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Glassy properties of anderson localization: Pinning, avalanches, and chaos
G Lemarié
Physical review letters 122 (3), 030401, 2019
Mandater: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Chaos-assisted long-range tunneling for quantum simulation
M Martinez, O Giraud, D Ullmo, J Billy, D Guéry-Odelin, B Georgeot, ...
Physical Review Letters 126 (17), 174102, 2021
Mandater: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Stabilization mechanism for many-body localization in two dimensions
DCW Foo, N Swain, P Sengupta, G Lemarié, S Adam
Physical Review Research 5 (3), L032011, 2023
Mandater: Agence Nationale de la Recherche, National Research Foundation, Singapore
Routes towards the experimental observation of the large fluctuations due to chaos-assisted tunneling effects with cold atoms
R Dubertrand, J Billy, D Guéry-Odelin, B Georgeot, G Lemarié
Physical Review A 94 (4), 043621, 2016
Mandater: Australian Research Council, Government of Argentina
Multifractality of quantum wave functions in the presence of perturbations
R Dubertrand, I Garcia-Mata, B Georgeot, O Giraud, G Lemarié, J Martin
Physical Review E 92 (3), 032914, 2015
Mandater: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium, Government of Argentina
Kardar-Parisi-Zhang physics in the density fluctuations of localized two-dimensional wave packets
S Mu, J Gong, G Lemarié
Physical Review Letters 132 (4), 046301, 2024
Mandater: A*Star, Singapore, Agence Nationale de la Recherche, National Research …
Rayleigh-Jeans prethermalization and wave condensation in a nonlinear disordered Floquet system
P Haldar, S Mu, B Georgeot, J Gong, C Miniatura, G Lemarié
Europhysics Letters 144 (6), 63001, 2024
Mandater: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Coherent forward scattering peak and multifractality
M Martinez, G Lemarié, B Georgeot, C Miniatura, O Giraud
Physical Review Research 3 (3), L032044, 2021
Mandater: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Symmetry violation of quantum multifractality: Gaussian fluctuations versus algebraic localization
AM Bilen, B Georgeot, O Giraud, G Lemarié, I Garcia-Mata
Physical Review Research 3 (2), L022023, 2021
Mandater: Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Government of Argentina
Dirty bosons on the Cayley tree: Bose-Einstein condensation versus ergodicity breaking
M Dupont, N Laflorencie, G Lemarié
Physical Review B 102 (17), 174205, 2020
Mandater: US Department of Energy, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Critical dynamics of long-range quantum disordered systems
W Chen, G Lemarié, J Gong
Physical Review E 108 (5), 054127, 2023
Mandater: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Coherent forward scattering as a robust probe of multifractality in critical disordered media
M Martinez, G Lemarié, B Georgeot, C Miniatura, O Giraud
SciPost Physics 14 (3), 057, 2023
Mandater: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Kane-Fisher weak link physics in the clean scratched XY model
G Lemarié, I Maccari, C Castellani
Physical Review B 99 (5), 054519, 2019
Mandater: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
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