Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Finn PlauborgLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelige noe sted: 4
Radiation interception and radiation use efficiency of potato affected by different N fertigation and irrigation regimes
Z Zhou, MN Andersen, F Plauborg
European Journal of Agronomy 81, 129-137, 2016
Mandater: European Commission
Using ground-based spectral reflectance sensors and photography to estimate shoot N concentration and dry matter of potato
Z Zhou, M Jabloun, F Plauborg, MN Andersen
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 144, 154-163, 2018
Mandater: European Commission
Carbon dioxide in arable soil profiles: a comparison of automated and manual measuring systems
N Chirinda, F Plauborg, G Heckrath, L Elsgaard, IK Thomsen, JE Olesen
Communications in soil science and plant analysis 45 (9), 1278-1291, 2014
Mandater: Danish Council for Independent Research
Response of potato to drip and gun irrigation systems.
Z Zhou, MN Andersen, F Plauborg, O Edlefsen
Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 2015
Mandater: European Commission
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 8
Simulation of potato yield in temperate condition by the AquaCrop model
F Razzaghi, Z Zhou, MN Andersen, F Plauborg
Agricultural water management 191, 113-123, 2017
Mandater: European Commission
Dry matter production, radiation interception and radiation use efficiency of potato in response to temperature and nitrogen application regimes
Z Zhou, F Plauborg, K Kristensen, MN Andersen
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 232, 595-605, 2017
Mandater: European Commission
Comparison of regression techniques to predict response of oilseed rape yield to variation in climatic conditions in Denmark
B Sharif, D Makowski, F Plauborg, JE Olesen
European Journal of Agronomy 82, 11-20, 2017
Mandater: Innovation Fund Denmark
A RVI/LAI-reference curve to detect N stress and guide N fertigation using combined information from spectral reflectance and leaf area measurements in potato
Z Zhou, F Plauborg, AG Thomsen, MN Andersen
European journal of agronomy 87, 1-7, 2017
Mandater: European Commission
Yield and crop growth of table potato affected by different split-N fertigation regimes in sandy soil
Z Zhou, F Plauborg, F Liu, K Kristensen, MN Andersen
European Journal of Agronomy 92, 41-50, 2018
Mandater: European Commission
Potato canopy growth, yield and soil water dynamics under different irrigation systems
Z Zhou, F Plauborg, D Parsons, MN Andersen
Agricultural Water Management 202, 9-18, 2018
Mandater: European Commission
Predicting national-scale tile drainage discharge in Denmark using machine learning algorithms
SK Motarjemi, AB Møller, F Plauborg, BV Iversen
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 36, 100839, 2021
Mandater: Innovation Fund Denmark
Predicting tile drainage discharge using machine learning algorithms
SK Motarjemi, AB Møller, F Plauborg, BV Iversen
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2020, 1-22, 2020
Mandater: Innovation Fund Denmark
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