Mantle petrology and mineralogy of the Thetford Mines ophiolite complex P Pagé, JH Bédard, JM Schroetter, A Tremblay Lithos 100 (1-4), 255-292, 2008 | 180 | 2008 |
Hydrological behavior of a deep sub-vertical fault in crystalline basement and relationships with surrounding reservoirs C Roques, O Bour, L Aquilina, B Dewandel, S Leray, JM Schroetter, ... Journal of Hydrology 509, 42-54, 2014 | 83 | 2014 |
Syncollisional basin development in the Appalachian orogen—the Saint-Daniel Mélange, southern Québec, Canada JM Schroetter, A Tremblay, JH Bédard, ME Villeneuve Geological Society of America Bulletin 118 (1-2), 109-125, 2006 | 50 | 2006 |
Forearc extension and sea-floor spreading in the Thetford Mines Ophiolite complex JM Schroetter, P Pagé, JH Bédard, A Tremblay, V Bécu Special publication Geological Society of London 218, 231-252, 2003 | 50 | 2003 |
Planation surfaces of the Armorican Massif (western France): Denudation chronology of a Mesozoic land surface twice exhumed in response to relative crustal movements between … P Bessin, F Guillocheau, C Robin, JM Schroëtter, H Bauer Geomorphology 233, 75-91, 2015 | 42 | 2015 |
Structural evolution of the Thetford Mines Ophiolite Complex, Canada: Implications for the southern Québec ophiolitic belt JM Schroetter, JH Bédard, A Tremblay Tectonics 24 (1), 2005 | 22 | 2005 |
Correction to “Structural evolution of the Thetford Mines Ophiolite Complex, Canada: Implications for the southern Quebec ophiolitic belt” JM Schroetter, A Tremblay, JH Bédard Tectonics 24 (2), 2005 | 21 | 2005 |
Overview of the geology and Cr-PGE potential of the Southern Québec Ophiolite Belt JH Bédard, P Pagé, V Bécu, JM Schroetter, A Tremblay, WD Goodfellow Mineral Deposits of Canada: A Synthesis of Major Deposit-Types, District …, 2007 | 17 | 2007 |
Quantification of vertical movement of low elevation topography combining a new compilation of global sea-level curves and scattered marine deposits (Armorican Massif, western … P Bessin, F Guillocheau, C Robin, J Braun, H Bauer, JM Schrötter Earth and Planetary Science Letters 470, 25-36, 2017 | 11 | 2017 |
L’enregistrement sédimentaire de la déformation mio- plio- quaternaire sur la bordure ouest de l’arc de Nice: analyse sédimento-morpho-structurale JM Schroetter Géologie Alpine 74, 146-149, 1998 | 11 | 1998 |
Caractérisation structurale et stratigraphique du complexe ophiolitique de Thetford-Mines: implication géodynamique pour la zone de Dunnage du sud du Québec, Canada JM Schroetter Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique Eau, Terre et Environnement, 2003 | 9 | 2003 |
Notice explicative de la carte géologique de la République du Congo à 1/200 000 Y Callec, H Bauer, F Paquet, F Prognon, B Issautier, JM Schroetter Feuille Madingou, Editions BRGM, 2015 | 8 | 2015 |
Structural and magmatic evolution of the Thetford Mines Ophiolite: Preliminary results from new mapping and analysis JH Bédard, A Tremblay, JM Schroetter, V Bécu, P Pagé GAC/MAC 2001 - Abstracts with program 26, 11, 2001 | 8* | 2001 |
Notice explicative de la ville de Brazzaville Y Callec, F Paquet, B Issautier, JM Schroetter, D Thieblemont, ... Editions BRGM, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
Atlas des aléas littoraux (érosion et submersion marine) des départements d’Ile et Vilaine, des Côtesd’Armor et du Finistère JM Schroëtter, E Blaise Phase, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
The Thetford Mines Ophiolite Complex: Focus on the petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry (REE, PGE) of a supra-subduction mantle section P Pagé, JH Bédard, A Tremblay, J Schroetter AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2003, V22H-01, 2003 | 5 | 2003 |
Structural evolution of the Thetford Mines ophiolite complex, Quebec: From syn-oceanic rifting to obduction and post-obduction deformation JM Schroetter, P Pagé, A Tremblay, JH Bédard Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 34 (1), A-21, 2002 | 5 | 2002 |
L’enregistrement sédimentaire de la déformation mio-plio-quaternaire sur la bordure ouest de l’arc de Nice JM Schroetter Mémoire de DEA Dynamique de la Lithosphère, des Marges océaniques aux …, 1997 | 5 | 1997 |
Bassins versants bretons en contentieux européen: typologie et modélisation de l'évolution des concentrations en nitrates. Phase 2-Rapport final B Mougin, D Allier, E Putot, JJ Seguin, P Stollsteiner, JM Schroetter BRGM/RP-56408-FR, 2008 | 2 | 2008 |
Calcul des volumes d’eau souterraine sur 12 bassins versants bretons en zone de socle et apports sur les temps moyens de résidence des eaux souterraines B Mougin, E Thomas, F Mathieu, JM Baltassat, JM Schroetter, R Blanchin, ... Aquifères de socle: Le point sur les concepts et les applications …, 2015 | 1 | 2015 |