Ville Viikari
Ville Viikari
Professor, Aalto University
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Eight‐element antenna array for diversity and MIMO mobile terminal in LTE 3500 MHz band
AA Al‐Hadi, J Ilvonen, R Valkonen, V Viikari
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 56 (6), 1323-1327, 2014
Co-designed mm-wave and LTE handset antennas
J Kurvinen, H Kähkönen, A Lehtovuori, J Ala-Laurinaho, V Viikari
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 67 (3), 1545-1553, 2018
Phase-based UHF RFID tracking with nonlinear Kalman filtering and smoothing
S Sarkka, VV Viikari, M Huusko, K Jaakkola
IEEE Sensors Journal 12 (5), 904-910, 2011
Road-condition recognition using 24-GHz automotive radar
VV Viikari, T Varpula, M Kantanen
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 10 (4), 639-648, 2009
On design and evaluation of harmonic transponders
K Rasilainen, J Ilvonen, A Lehtovuori, JM Hannula, V Viikari
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 63 (1), 15-23, 2014
Analyzing radar cross section signatures of diverse drone models at mmWave frequencies
V Semkin, J Haarla, T Pairon, C Slezak, S Rangan, V Viikari, C Oestges
IEEE access 8, 48958-48969, 2020
Frequency reconfigurable multiband handset antenna based on a multichannel transceiver
JM Hannula, T Saarinen, J Holopainen, V Viikari
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 65 (9), 4452-4460, 2017
Concept for frequency-reconfigurable antenna based on distributed transceivers
JM Hannula, J Holopainen, V Viikari
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 16, 764-767, 2016
Millimeter-wave beam shaping using holograms
J Meltaus, J Salo, E Noponen, MM Salomaa, V Viikari, A Lonnqvist, ...
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 51 (4), 1274-1280, 2003
Design strategy for 4G handset antennas and a multiband hybrid antenna
J Ilvonen, R Valkonen, J Holopainen, V Viikari
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 62 (4), 1918-1927, 2014
Dual-polarized mm-wave endfire chain-slot antenna for mobile devices
RM Moreno, J Kurvinen, J Ala-Laurinaho, A Khripkov, J Ilvonen, ...
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 69 (1), 25-34, 2020
Dual-polarized Ka-band Vivaldi antenna array
H Kähkönen, J Ala-Laurinaho, V Viikari
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 68 (4), 2675-2683, 2019
Testing of a 1.5-m reflector antenna at 322 GHz in a CATR based on a hologram
J Hakli, T Koskinen, A Lonnqvist, J Saily, V Viikari, J Mallat, ...
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 53 (10), 3142-3150, 2005
Multiband frequency reconfigurable 4G handset antenna with MIMO capability
J Ilvonen, R Valkonen, J Holopainen, V Viikari
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 148, 233-243, 2014
Dual-polarized mm-Wave endfire antenna for mobile devices
RM Moreno, J Ala-Laurinaho, A Khripkov, J Ilvonen, V Viikari
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 68 (8), 5924-5934, 2020
Ranging of UHF RFID tag using stepped frequency read-out
V Viikari, P Pursula, K Jaakkola
IEEE Sensors Journal 10 (9), 1535-1539, 2010
Hologram-based compact range for submillimeter-wave antenna testing
A Lonnqvist, T Koskinen, J Hakli, J Saily, J Ala-Laurinaho, J Mallat, ...
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 53 (10), 3151-3159, 2005
Antenna tests with a hologram-based CATR at 650 GHz
A Karttunen, J Ala-Laurinaho, M Vaaja, T Koskinen, J Hakli, A Lonnqvist, ...
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 57 (3), 711-720, 2009
Automotive radar technology for detecting road conditions. Backscattering properties of dry, wet, and icy asphalt
V Viikari, T Varpula, M Kantanen
2008 European Radar Conference, 276-279, 2008
Intermodulation read-out principle for passive wireless sensors
V Viikari, H Seppa, DW Kim
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 59 (4), 1025-1031, 2011
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