Dmitry Davidenko
Dmitry Davidenko
RSC Energia
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Physical bases of the generation of short-term earthquake precursors: A complex model of ionization-induced geophysical processes in the lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere …
SA Pulinets, DP Ouzounov, AV Karelin, DV Davidenko
Geomagnetism and aeronomy 55, 521-538, 2015
Ionospheric precursors of earthquakes and global electric circuit
S Pulinets, D Davidenko
Advances in Space Research 53 (5), 709-723, 2014
Atmosphere-ionosphere response to the M9 Tohoku earthquake revealed by multi-instrument space-borne and ground observations: Preliminary results
D Ouzounov, S Pulinets, A Romanov, A Romanov, K Tsybulya, ...
Earthquake Science 24 (6), 557-564, 2011
The possibility of earthquake forecasting: learning from nature
S Pulinets, D Ouzounov, D Davidenko
EGU General Assembly 2018. Geophysical Research Abstracts 20 (EGU2018-9191), 2018
Lithosphere–atmosphere–ionosphere–magnetosphere coupling—a concept for pre‐earthquake signals generation
S Pulinets, D Ouzounov, A Karelin, D Davidenko
Pre‐Earthquake Processes: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Earthquake …, 2018
Физические основы генерации краткосрочных предвестников землетрясений. Комплексная модель геофизических процессов в системе литосфера–атмосфера–ионосфера–магнитосфера …
СА Пулинец, ДП Узунов, АВ Карелин, ДВ Давиденко
Геомагнетизм и аэрономия 55 (4), 540-558, 2015
Transient Effects in Atmosphere and Ionosphere Preceding the 2015 M7.8 and M7.3 Gorkha–Nepal Earthquakes
D Ouzounov, S Pulinets, D Davidenko, A Rozhnoi, M Solovieva, V Fedun, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 9 (757358), doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.757358, 2021
Прогноз землетрясений возможен?! Интегральные технологии многопараметрического мониторинга геоэффективных явлений в рамках комплексной модели взаимосвязей в литосфере …
СА Пулинец, ДП Узунов, ДВ Давиденко, СА Дудкин, ЕИ Цадиковский
М.:«Тровант, 144, 2014
The nocturnal positive ionospheric anomaly of electron density as a short-term earthquake precursor and the possible physical mechanism of its formation
SA Pulinets, DV Davidenko
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 58, 559-570, 2018
Deterministic Variability of the Ionosphere on the Eve of Strong (M ≥ 6) Earthquakes in the Regions of Greece and Italy According to Long-Term Measurements Data
DV Davidenko, SA Pulinets
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 59, 493-508, 2019
Multiparameter monitoring of short-term earthquake precursors and its physical basis. Implementation in the Kamchatka region
S Pulinets, D Ouzounov, D Davydenko, A Petrukhin
E3S Web of Conferences 11, 00019, 2016
Ionosphere Sounding for Pre-seismic anomalies identification (INSPIRE): Results of the project and Perspectives for the short-term earthquake forecast
S Pulinets, A Krankowski, M Hernandez-Pajares, S Marra, I Cherniak, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 610193, 2021
Региональные возмущения ионосферы и ошибки позиционирования наземного навигационного приёмника при взрыве Челябинского (Чебаркульского) метеороида 15.02. 2013 г
АВ Тертышников, ВВ Алпатов, ЯВ Глухов, ДВ Давиденко
Гелиогеофизические исследования, 65-73, 2013
From Hector Mine M7.1 to Ridgecrest M7.1 Earthquake. A look from a 20-Year Perspective
S Pulinets, M Tsidilina, D Ouzounov, D Davidenko
Atmosphere 12 (2), 262, 2021
Revealing pre-earthquake signatures in atmosphere and ionosphere associated with 2015 M7.8 and M7.3 events in Nepal. Preliminary results
D Ouzounov, S Pulinets, D Davidenko
arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.01805, 2015
Atmosphere-ionosphere coupling induced by volcanoes eruption and dust storms and role of GEC as the agent of geospheres interaction
S Pulinets, D Davidenko, M Pulinets
Advances in space research 69 (12), 4319-4334, 2022
Geophysical conditions at the explosion of the Chelyabinsk (Chebarkulsky) meteoroid in February 15, 2013
VV Alpatov, VN Burov, JP Vagin, KA Galkin, GV Givishvili, JV Gluhov, ...
FGBU “IPG” Publ., Moscow, Russia, 2013
Space-borne observations of atmospheric pre-earthquake signals in seismically active areas. Case study for Greece 2008-2009
D Ouzounov, S Pulinets, D Davidenko, M Kafatos, P Taylor
Special Issue: Proceeding of General Assembly of the School of Rural and …, 2013
Геофизические условия при взрыве Челябинского (Чебаркульского) метеороида 15 февраля 2013 года
ВВ Алпатов, ВА Буров, ЮП Вагин, КА Галкин, ЯВ Глухов, ...
http://vestnik.geospace.ru/index.php?id=180, 37, 2013
Method for cognitive identification of ionospheric precursors of earthquakes
SA Pulinets, DV Davidenko, PA Budnikov
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 61 (1), 14-24, 2021
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