Efficient removal of Cr (VI) and Cu (II) ions from aqueous media by use of polypyrrole/maghemite and polyaniline/maghemite magnetic nanocomposites AE Chávez-Guajardo, JC Medina-Llamas, L Maqueira, CAS Andrade, ... Chemical Engineering Journal 281, 826-836, 2015 | 248 | 2015 |
Carbohydrate–protein interactions and their biosensing applications X Zeng, CAS Andrade, MDL Oliveira, XL Sun Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 402, 3161-3176, 2012 | 162 | 2012 |
Antitumor activity of Cratylia mollis lectin encapsulated into liposomes CAS Andrade, MTS Correia, LCBB Coelho, SC Nascimento, ... International Journal of Pharmaceutics 278 (2), 435-445, 2004 | 158 | 2004 |
Purification of a lectin from Eugenia uniflora L. seeds and its potential antibacterial activity MDL Oliveira, CAS Andrade, NS Santos‐Magalhães, L Coelho, ... Letters in applied microbiology 46 (3), 371-376, 2008 | 140 | 2008 |
Hierarchical composite polyaniline–(electrospun polystyrene) fibers applied to heavy metal remediation JJ Alcaraz-Espinoza, AE Chávez-Guajardo, JC Medina-Llamas, ... ACS applied materials & interfaces 7 (13), 7231-7240, 2015 | 134 | 2015 |
Biosensors for early detection of fungi spoilage and toxigenic and mycotoxins in food IS Oliveira, AG da Silva Junior, CAS de Andrade, MDL Oliveira Current Opinion in Food Science 29, 64-79, 2019 | 96 | 2019 |
An impedimetric biosensor for detection of dengue serotype at picomolar concentration based on gold nanoparticles-polyaniline hybrid composites HPO Nascimento, MDL Oliveira, CP de Melo, GJL Silva, MT Cordeiro, ... Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 86 (2), 414-419, 2011 | 84 | 2011 |
Detection of dengue virus serotypes on the surface of gold electrode based on Cratylia mollis lectin affinity MDL Oliveira, ML Nogueira, MTS Correia, LCBB Coelho, CAS Andrade Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 155 (2), 789-795, 2011 | 84 | 2011 |
Electrochemical immunosensor for dengue virus serotypes based on 4-mercaptobenzoic acid modified gold nanoparticles on self-assembled cysteine monolayers DMN Luna, KYPS Avelino, MT Cordeiro, CAS Andrade, MDL Oliveira Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 220, 565-572, 2015 | 82 | 2015 |
Nanostructured sensor based on carbon nanotubes and clavanin A for bacterial detection CAS Andrade, JM Nascimento, IS Oliveira, CV De Oliveira, CP De Melo, ... Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 135, 833-839, 2015 | 77 | 2015 |
Nanostructured impedimetric lectin-based biosensor for arboviruses detection EP Simão, DBS Silva, MT Cordeiro, LHV Gil, CAS Andrade, MDL Oliveira Talanta 208, 120338, 2020 | 76 | 2020 |
Impedimetric biosensor based on self-assembled hybrid cystein-gold nanoparticles and CramoLL lectin for bacterial lipopolysaccharide recognition MDL Oliveira, CAS Andrade, MTS Correia, LCBB Coelho, PR Singh, ... Journal of colloid and Interface Science 362 (1), 194-201, 2011 | 74 | 2011 |
A simple nanostructured biosensor based on clavanin A antimicrobial peptide for gram-negative bacteria detection JL De Miranda, MDL Oliveira, IS Oliveira, IAM Frias, OL Franco, ... Biochemical engineering journal 124, 108-114, 2017 | 61 | 2017 |
Use of magnetic polyaniline/maghemite nanocomposite for DNA retrieval from aqueous solutions JC Medina-Llamas, AE Chávez-Guajardo, CAS Andrade, KGB Alves, ... Journal of colloid and interface science 434, 167-174, 2014 | 54 | 2014 |
Electrical impedance spectroscopy investigation of surfactant–magnetite–polypyrrole particles HP De Oliveira, CAS Andrade, CP de Melo Journal of colloid and interface science 319 (2), 441-449, 2008 | 54 | 2008 |
Self-assembled monolayers of mercaptobenzoic acid and magnetite nanoparticles as an efficient support for development of tuberculosis genosensor MP Costa, CAS Andrade, RA Montenegro, FL Melo, MDL Oliveira Journal of colloid and interface science 433, 141-148, 2014 | 52 | 2014 |
Development and characterization of hydrogels based on natural polysaccharides: Policaju and chitosan PAG Soares, AI Bourbon, AA Vicente, CAS Andrade, W Barros Jr, ... Materials Science and Engineering: C 42, 219-226, 2014 | 52 | 2014 |
Diagnosis of dengue infection using a modified gold electrode with hybrid organic–inorganic nanocomposite and Bauhinia monandra lectin CAS Andrade, MDL Oliveira, CP De Melo, LCBB Coelho, MTS Correia, ... Journal of colloid and interface science 362 (2), 517-523, 2011 | 52 | 2011 |
Impedimetric immunoassay for aflatoxin B1 using a cysteine modified gold electrode with covalently immobilized carbon nanotubes MP Costa, IAM Frías, CAS Andrade, MDL Oliveira Microchimica acta 184, 3205-3213, 2017 | 50 | 2017 |
Chemical immobilization of antimicrobial peptides on biomaterial surfaces RR Silva, KY Avelino, KL Ribeiro, OL Franco, MD Oliveira, CA Andrade Front. Biosci 8 (1), 129-142, 2016 | 50 | 2016 |