Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Giulio MattioliLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelige noe sted: 2
Generational differences, socialisation effects and ‘mobility links’ in international holiday travel
G Mattioli, J Scheiner, C Holz-Rau
Journal of Transport Geography 98, 103263, 2022
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Towards a mobility biography approach to long-distance travel and mobility links
G Mattioli
Mobility and travel behaviour across the life course, 82-99, 2020
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 37
A review of trends and drivers of greenhouse gas emissions by sector from 1990 to 2018
WF Lamb, T Wiedmann, J Pongratz, R Andrew, M Crippa, JGJ Olivier, ...
Environmental research letters 16 (7), 073005, 2021
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US National …
Discourses of climate delay
WF Lamb, G Mattioli, S Levi, JT Roberts, S Capstick, F Creutzig, JC Minx, ...
Global sustainability 3, e17, 2020
Mandater: UK Economic and Social Research Council, Federal Ministry of Education and …
Transport poverty and fuel poverty in the UK: From analogy to comparison
G Mattioli, K Lucas, G Marsden
Transport Policy 59, 93-105, 2017
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Research & Innovation
‘Forced Car Ownership’in the UK and Germany: socio-spatial patterns and potential economic stress impacts
G Mattioli
Social Inclusion 5 (4), 147-160, 2017
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Research & Innovation
Car dependent practices: Findings from a sequence pattern mining study of UK time use data
G Mattioli, J Anable, K Vrotsou
Transportation research part A: Policy and practice 89, 56-72, 2016
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Research & Innovation
Where sustainable transport and social exclusion meet: Households without cars and car dependence in Great Britain
G Mattioli
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 16 (3), 379-400, 2014
Mandater: Government of Italy
Transport needs in a climate-constrained world. A novel framework to reconcile social and environmental sustainability in transport
G Mattioli
Energy Research & Social Science 18, 118-128, 2016
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Research & Innovation
Identifying double energy vulnerability: a systematic and narrative review of groups at-risk of energy and transport poverty in the global north
N Simcock, KEH Jenkins, M Lacey-Barnacle, M Martiskainen, G Mattioli, ...
Energy Research & Social Science 82, 102351, 2021
Mandater: UK Research & Innovation
New dimensions of vulnerability to energy and transport poverty
M Martiskainen, BK Sovacool, M Lacey-Barnacle, D Hopkins, ...
Joule 5 (1), 3-7, 2021
Mandater: European Commission, UK Research & Innovation
Double energy vulnerability: spatial intersections of domestic and transport energy poverty in England
C Robinson, G Mattioli
Energy Research & Social Science 70, 101699, 2020
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Research & Innovation
Vulnerability to fuel price increases in the UK: A household level analysis
G Mattioli, Z Wadud, K Lucas
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 113, 227-242, 2018
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Research & Innovation
Vulnerability to motor fuel price increases: Socio-spatial patterns in England
G Mattioli, I Philips, J Anable, T Chatterton
Journal of Transport Geography 78, 98-114, 2019
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Does a high level of multimodality mean less car use? An exploration of multimodality trends in England
E Heinen, G Mattioli
Transportation 46 (4), 1093-1126, 2019
Mandater: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Trends in air travel inequality in the UK: From the few to the many?
M Büchs, G Mattioli
Travel Behaviour and Society 25, 92-101, 2021
Mandater: German Research Foundation, UK Research & Innovation
How socially just are taxes on air travel and ‘frequent flyer levies’?
M Büchs, G Mattioli
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 32 (1), 62-84, 2024
Mandater: German Research Foundation, UK Economic and Social Research Council, UK …
Let's focus more on negative trends: A comment on the transitions research agenda
M Antal, G Mattioli, I Rattle
Environmental innovation and societal transitions 34, 359-362, 2020
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Gross polluters for food shopping travel: An activity-based typology
G Mattioli, J Anable
Travel Behaviour and Society 6, 19-31, 2017
Mandater: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Research & Innovation
Air Travel and Urbanity: The Role of Migration, Social Networks, Airport Accessibility, and'Rebound'
G Mattioli, C Morton, J Scheiner
Urban Planning 6 (2), 232-245, 2021
Mandater: German Research Foundation, UK Economic and Social Research Council
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