Roman Mankowsky
Roman Mankowsky
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Nonlinear lattice dynamics as a basis for enhanced superconductivity in YBa2Cu3O6.5
R Mankowsky, A Subedi, M Först, SO Mariager, M Chollet, HT Lemke, ...
Nature 516 (7529), 71-73, 2014
Ultrafast reversal of the ferroelectric polarization
R Mankowsky, A von Hoegen, M Först, A Cavalleri
Physical review letters 118 (19), 197601, 2017
A compact and cost-effective hard X-ray free-electron laser driven by a high-brightness and low-energy electron beam
E Prat, R Abela, M Aiba, A Alarcon, J Alex, Y Arbelo, C Arrell, V Arsov, ...
Nature Photonics 14 (12), 748-754, 2020
Ultrafast energy- and momentum-resolved dynamics of magnetic correlations in the photo-doped Mott insulator Sr2IrO4
MPM Dean, Y Cao, X Liu, S Wall, D Zhu, R Mankowsky, V Thampy, ...
Nature materials 15 (6), 601-605, 2016
Probing the interatomic potential of solids with strong-field nonlinear phononics
A von Hoegen, R Mankowsky, M Fechner, M Först, A Cavalleri
Nature 555 (7694), 79-82, 2018
Spatially resolved ultrafast magnetic dynamics initiated at a complex oxide heterointerface
M Först, AD Caviglia, R Scherwitzl, R Mankowsky, P Zubko, V Khanna, ...
Nature materials 14 (9), 883-888, 2015
Non-equilibrium control of complex solids by nonlinear phononics
R Mankowsky, M Först, A Cavalleri
Reports on Progress in Physics 79 (6), 064503, 2016
Probing dynamics in quantum materials with femtosecond X-rays
M Buzzi, M Först, R Mankowsky, A Cavalleri
Nature Reviews Materials 3 (9), 299-311, 2018
Mode-selective control of the crystal lattice
M Forst, R Mankowsky, A Cavalleri
Accounts of chemical research 48 (2), 380-387, 2015
Coherent modulation of the atomic structure by displacive stimulated ionic Raman scattering
R Mankowsky, M Först, T Loew, J Porras, B Keimer, A Cavalleri
Physical Review B 91 (9), 094308, 2015
Photoinduced melting of magnetic order in the correlated electron insulator NdNiO
AD Caviglia, M Först, R Scherwitzl, V Khanna, H Bromberger, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (22), 220401, 2013
Enhancement and maximum in the isobaric specific-heat capacity measurements of deeply supercooled water using ultrafast calorimetry
H Pathak, A Späh, N Esmaeildoost, JA Sellberg, KH Kim, F Perakis, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (6), e2018379118, 2021
Femtosecond x rays link melting of charge-density wave correlations and light-enhanced coherent transport in
M Först, A Frano, S Kaiser, R Mankowsky, CR Hunt, JJ Turner, ...
Physical Review B 90 (18), 184514, 2014
Displacive lattice excitation through nonlinear phononics viewed by femtosecond X-ray diffraction
M Först, R Mankowsky, H Bromberger, DM Fritz, H Lemke, D Zhu, ...
Solid State Communications 169, 24-27, 2013
Hard X-ray transient grating spectroscopy on bismuth germanate
JR Rouxel, D Fainozzi, R Mankowsky, B Rösner, G Seniutinas, ...
Nature photonics 15 (7), 499-503, 2021
Strain wave pathway to semiconductor-to-metal transition revealed by time-resolved X-ray powder diffraction
C Mariette, M Lorenc, H Cailleau, E Collet, L Guérin, A Volte, E Trzop, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 1239, 2021
Nonlinear electron-phonon coupling in doped manganites
V Esposito, M Fechner, R Mankowsky, H Lemke, M Chollet, JM Glownia, ...
Physical review letters 118 (24), 247601, 2017
Optically induced lattice deformations, electronic structure changes, and enhanced superconductivity in YBa2Cu3O6. 48
R Mankowsky, M Fechner, M Först, A Von Hoegen, J Porras, T Loew, ...
Structural Dynamics 4 (4), 2017
Towards X-ray transient grating spectroscopy
C Svetina, R Mankowsky, G Knopp, F Koch, G Seniutinas, B Rösner, ...
Optics letters 44 (3), 574-577, 2019
Laser-induced transient magnons in Sr3Ir2O7 throughout the Brillouin zone
DG Mazzone, D Meyers, Y Cao, JG Vale, CD Dashwood, Y Shi, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (22), e2103696118, 2021
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