Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Jean BousquetLes mer
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The Norway spruce genome sequence and conifer genome evolution
B Nystedt, NR Street, A Wetterbom, A Zuccolo, YC Lin, DG Scofield, ...
Nature 497 (7451), 579-584, 2013
Mandater: Genome Canada, Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural …
Assembling the 20 Gb white spruce (Picea glauca) genome from whole-genome shotgun sequencing data
I Birol, A Raymond, SD Jackman, S Pleasance, R Coope, GA Taylor, ...
Bioinformatics 29 (12), 1492-1497, 2013
Mandater: Genome Canada
Scanning the genome for gene single nucleotide polymorphisms involved in adaptive population differentiation in white spruce
MC Namroud, J Beaulieu, N Juge, J Laroche, J Bousquet
Molecular Ecology 17 (16), 3599-3613, 2008
Mandater: Genome Canada
Improved white spruce (Picea glauca) genome assemblies and annotation of large gene families of conifer terpenoid and phenolic defense metabolism
RL Warren, CI Keeling, MMS Yuen, A Raymond, GA Taylor, ...
The Plant Journal 83 (2), 189-212, 2015
Mandater: Genome Canada, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Insights into conifer giga-genomes
AR De La Torre, I Birol, J Bousquet, PK Ingvarsson, S Jansson, ...
Plant Physiology 166 (4), 1724-1732, 2014
Mandater: Genome Canada
Disentangling the Roles of History and Local Selection in Shaping Clinal Variation of Allele Frequencies and Gene Expression in Norway Spruce (Picea abies)
J Chen, T Källman, X Ma, N Gyllenstrand, G Zaina, M Morgante, ...
Genetics 191 (3), 865-881, 2012
Mandater: Swedish Research Council
A white spruce gene catalog for conifer genome analyses
P Rigault, B Boyle, P Lepage, JEK Cooke, J Bousquet, JJ MacKay
Plant Physiology 157 (1), 14-28, 2011
Mandater: Genome Canada
Association genetics of wood physical traits in the conifer white spruce and relationships with gene expression
J Beaulieu, T Doerksen, B Boyle, S Clément, M Deslauriers, S Beauseigle, ...
Genetics 188 (1), 197-214, 2011
Mandater: Genome Canada
Accuracy of genomic selection models in a large population of open-pollinated families in white spruce
J Beaulieu, T Doerksen, S Clément, J MacKay, J Bousquet
Heredity 113 (4), 343-352, 2014
Mandater: Genome Canada
Enhancing genetic mapping of complex genomes through the design of highly-multiplexed SNP arrays: application to the large and unsequenced genomes of white spruce and black spruce
N Pavy, B Pelgas, S Beauseigle, S Blais, F Gagnon, I Gosselin, ...
BMC Genomics 9, 21 (17p.), 2008
Mandater: Genome Canada
Generation, annotation, analysis and database integration of 16,500 white spruce EST clusters
N Pavy, C Paule, L Parsons, JA Crow, MJ Morency, J Cooke, JE Johnson, ...
BMC Genomics 6, 144 (19p.), 2005
Mandater: Genome Canada
QTL mapping in white spruce: gene maps and genomic regions underlying adaptive traits across pedigrees, years and environments
B Pelgas, J Bousquet, PG Meirmans, K Ritland, N Isabel
BMC Genomics 12, 145 (23p.), 2011
Mandater: Genome Canada
Genomic selection accuracies within and between environments and small breeding groups in white spruce
J Beaulieu, TK Doerksen, J MacKay, A Rainville, J Bousquet
BMC Genomics 15, 1048 (16p.), 2014
Mandater: Genome Canada
Factors affecting the accuracy of genomic selection for growth and wood quality traits in an advanced-breeding population of black spruce (Picea mariana)
PRN Lenz, J Beaulieu, SD Mansfield, S Clément, M Desponts, J Bousquet
BMC Genomics 18, 335 (17p.), 2017
Mandater: Genome Canada
Multi‐trait genomic selection for weevil resistance, growth, and wood quality in Norway spruce
PRN Lenz, S Nadeau, MJ Mottet, M Perron, N Isabel, J Beaulieu, ...
Evolutionary Applications 13 (1), 76-94, 2020
Mandater: Genome Canada
A spruce gene map infers ancient plant genome reshuffling and subsequent slow evolution in the gymnosperm lineage leading to extant conifers
N Pavy, B Pelgas, J Laroche, P Rigault, N Isabel, J Bousquet
BMC Biology 10, 84 (18p.), 2012
Mandater: Genome Canada
Adaptive genetic variation to drought in a widely distributed conifer suggests a potential for increasing forest resilience in a drying climate
C Depardieu, MP Girardin, S Nadeau, P Lenz, J Bousquet, N Isabel
New Phytologist 227 (2), 427-439, 2020
Mandater: US Department of Agriculture, Genome Canada, Natural Sciences and …
Development of high‐density SNP genotyping arrays for white spruce (Picea glauca) and transferability to subtropical and nordic congeners
N Pavy, F Gagnon, P Rigault, S Blais, A Deschênes, B Boyle, B Pelgas, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 13 (2), 324-336, 2013
Mandater: Genome Canada
ntEdit: scalable genome sequence polishing
RL Warren, L Coombe, H Mohamadi, J Zhang, B Jaquish, N Isabel, ...
Bioinformatics 35 (21), 4430-4432, 2019
Mandater: US National Institutes of Health, Genome Canada
The phylogeny and biogeographic history of ashes (Fraxinus, Oleaceae) highlight the roles of migration and vicariance in the diversification of temperate trees
DD Hinsinger, J Basak, M Gaudeul, C Cruaud, P Bertolino, ...
PLoS ONE 8 (11), e80431 (14p.), 2013
Mandater: Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé
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