Leandro Alexandre Freitas
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Slicing and allocation of transformable resources for the deployment of multiple virtualized infrastructure managers (vims)
LA Freitas, VG Braga, SL Corrêa, L Mamatas, CE Rothenberg, S Clayman, ...
2018 4th IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization and Workshops (NetSoft …, 2018
An architecture for a smart spaces virtual machine
LA Freitas, FM Costa, RCA Rocha, A Allen
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Middleware for Next Generation Internet …, 2014
Sol: A data fusion protocol in wireless sensor networks for controlled environment
LA Freitas, AR Coimbra, V Sacramento, S Rosseto, FM Costa
IEEE INFOCOM Workshops 2009, 1-2, 2009
QoS-RRC: an overprovisioning-centric and load balance-aided solution for future internet QoS-oriented routing
A Neto, L Freitas, E Cerqueira, R Aguiar, D Gomes
Multimedia Tools and Applications 61, 721-746, 2012
Logística de distribuição do biodiesel da mamona: Prováveis canais de distribuição e a integração dos prestadores de serviços logísticos
Simpósio de Engenharia de Produção, Bauru, 2004
Integrating multi-access edge computing (mec) into open 5G core
R Xavier, RS Silva, M Ribeiro, W Moreira, L Freitas, A Oliveira-Jr
Telecom 5 (2), 433-450, 2024
Planning and optimization of software-defined and virtualized IoT gateway deployment for smart campuses
D Ferreira Jr, JL Oliveira, C Santos, T Filho, M Ribeiro, LA Freitas, ...
Sensors 22 (13), 4710, 2022
Uma abordagem sobre a integraçao da computaçao de borda móvel e a rede 5g para internet das coisas na agricultura 4.0
KMR Cunha, RF Xavier, W Moreira, LA Freitas, A Oliveira-Jr
Escola Regional de Informática de Goiás (ERI-GO), 118-131, 2021
Kidney transplantation and diabetes: Posttransplantation malignancy
M Bastos, C Baptista, MV Campos, R Alves, L Freitas, C Bastos, P Leitao, ...
Elsevier, 2003
C3s: A content sharing middleware for smart spaces
MP Roriz, MAL Massarani, LA Freitas, RCA da Rocha, FM Costa
2013 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2013
Ucle: Um middleware de computaçao ubíqua para compartilhamento de conteúdo em salas de aula inteligentes
MPR Junior, LA Freitas, MAL Massarani, RC Rocha, FM Costa
Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Ubíqua e Pervasiva (SBCUP), 91-100, 2012
A Novel Radio Network Information Service (RNIS) to MEC Framework in B5G Networks
KMR Cunha, S Correa, F Soares, M Ribeiro, W Moreira, R Gomes, ...
Information 15 (6), 352, 2024
Supporting MANOaaS and heterogenous MANOaaS deployment within the zero-touch network and service management framework
SL Correa, LM Contreras, EV Dias, LR Furtado, KMR Cunha, RF Xavier, ...
IEEE Communications Standards Magazine 8 (2), 4-11, 2024
Uma análise sobre a integração da Computação de Borda Móvel e a Rede 6G utilizando RNIS
KMR Cunha, W Moreira, LA Freitas, A Oliveira-Jr
Workshop de Redes 6G (W6G), 19-24, 2022
Supporting multimedia services in the future network with qos-routing
L Alexandre, A Neto, E Cerqueira, S Figueiredo, RL Aguiar
Mobile Networks and Management: Third International ICST Conference, MONAMI …, 2012
QoS-RCC: um mecanismo com orquestração de sobre-provisionamento de recursos e balanceamento de carga para roteamento orientado a QoS na internet do futuro
LA Freitas
The expression of VDACs and Bcl2 family genes in pituitary adenomas: clinical correlations and postsurgical outcomes
AN Facundo, M Magalhães, GC Nascimento, RS Azulay, RM Santos, ...
Frontiers in Endocrinology 15, 1481050, 2024
Aprendizado Federado em Redes IoT sem Fio: Novo Algoritmo para a Seleçao de Dispositivos e Alocaçao dos Recursos de Comunicaçao
RR de Oliveira, S Rogério, LA Freitas, A Oliveira-Jr
Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC …, 2024
Gamification and PBL in the development of soft skills: a Hands-on Approach in the IFG Training 4.0 Program as a Sustainability Practice
RA Gomes, LA Freitas, MR de Melo, KA Vasconcelos, JA Ribeiro
Hands-on Science: science education and sustainability, 31-39, 2024
Revisao Sistemática das Aplicaçoes Imersivas com base nas Tecnologias Habilitadoras B5G/6G, MEC e IA
ALJ Gonçalves, A Oliveira-Jr, LA Freitas
Escola Regional de Informática de Goiás (ERI-GO), 2023
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