PMU placement considering various arrangements of lines connections at complex buses E Khorram, MT Jelodar International journal of electrical power & energy systems 94, 97-103, 2018 | 29 | 2018 |
Modeling turbo-expander systems MT Jelodar, H Rastegar, HA Abyaneh Simulation 89 (2), 234-248, 2013 | 27 | 2013 |
Probabilistic PMU placement considering topological change in high voltage substations MT Jelodar, AS Fini International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 82, 303-313, 2016 | 13 | 2016 |
Induction generator voltage improvement using a new control strategy for turbo-expander driving systems MT Jelodar, H Rastegar, M Pichan International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 64, 1176-1184, 2015 | 7 | 2015 |
Turbo expander system behavior improvement using an adaptive fuzzy PID controller M Taleshian Jelodar, H Rastegar, M Pichan AUT Journal of Modeling and Simulation 49 (1), 23-32, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |
Turbo expander driven induction generator power quality improvement using fuzzy-PI controlled STATCOM MT Jelodar, H Rastegar, HA Abyaneh Journal of American Science 9 (16), 528-536, 2013 | 2 | 2013 |