Ken Tobin
Ken Tobin
Executive Director for STEM Initiatives
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Using SWAT to Model Streamflow in Two River Basins With Ground and Satellite Precipitation Data1
KJ Tobin, ME Bennett
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 45 (1), 253-271, 2009
Comparison of microwave remote sensing and land surface modeling for surface soil moisture climatology estimation
J Dong, WT Crow, KJ Tobin, MH Cosh, DD Bosch, PJ Starks, M Seyfried, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 242, 111756, 2020
Adjusting satellite precipitation data to facilitate hydrologic modeling
KJ Tobin, ME Bennett
Journal of Hydrometeorology 11 (4), 966-978, 2010
A mid-Caradocian (453 Ma) drawdown in atmospheric pCO2 without ice sheet development?
KJ Tobin, SM Bergström, P De La Garza
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 226 (3-4), 187-204, 2005
Constraining SWAT calibration with remotely sensed evapotranspiration data
KJ Tobin, ME Bennett
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 53 (3), 593-604, 2017
Observations on the genus Huroniospora Barghoorn: Implications for paleoecology of the Gunflint microbiota
PK Strother, K Tobin
Precambrian Research 36 (3-4), 323-333, 1987
Multi-decadal analysis of root-zone soil moisture applying the exponential filter across CONUS
KJ Tobin, R Torres, WT Crow, ME Bennett
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (9), 4403-4417, 2017
Fibrous calcite from the Ordovician of Tennessee: preservation of marine oxygen isotopic composition and its implications
KJ Tobin, KR Walker, DM Steinhauff, CI Mora
Sedimentology 43 (2), 235-251, 1996
Deep gold mines of South Africa: Windows into the subsurface biosphere
TC Onstott, K Tobin, H Dong, MF DeFlaun, JK Fredrickson, T Bailey, ...
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for the Investigation of Extraterrestrial …, 1997
Validation of a new root-zone soil moisture product: Soil MERGE
KJ Tobin, WT Crow, J Dong, ME Bennett
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2019
In situ imaging of microorganisms in geologic material
KJ Tobin, TC Onstott, MF DeFlaun, FS Colwell, J Fredrickson
Journal of microbiological methods 37 (3), 201-213, 1999
Meteoric diagenesis below a submerged platform: implications for δ13C compositions prior to pre-vascular plant evolution, Middle Ordovician, Alabama, USA
KJ Tobin, KR Walker
Sedimentary geology 90 (1-2), 95-111, 1994
Ordovician low‐to intermediate‐Mg calcite marine cements from Sweden: marine alteration and implications for oxygen isotopes in Ordovician seawater
KJ Tobin, KR Walker
Sedimentology 43 (4), 719-735, 1996
Ordovician oxygen isotopes and paleotemperatures
KJ Tobin, KR Walker
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 129 (3-4), 269-290, 1997
Temporal analysis of Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) performance based on remotely sensed precipitation products
KJ Tobin, ME Bennett
Hydrological Processes 27 (4), 505-514, 2013
Implications of Ordovician (≈ 460 Myr) marine cement for constraining seawater temperature and atmospheric pCO2
KJ Tobin, SM Bergstrom
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 181 (4), 399-417, 2002
Satellite precipitation products and hydrologic applications
KJ Tobin, ME Bennett
Water International 39 (3), 360-380, 2014
The paleoecology and significance of the Gunflint-type microbial assemblages from the Frere Formation (Early Proterozoic), Nabberu Basin, Western Australia
KJ Tobin
Precambrian Research 47 (1-2), 71-81, 1990
Preliminary interpretations of paleosols associated with Late Mississippian marginal marine deposits, Pennington Formation, Monterey, Tennessee
MR Caudill, CI Mora, KJ Tobin, SG Driese
Paleosols, Paleoweathering Surfaces, and Sequence Boundaries: Field Trip …, 1992
Recent calcite spar in an aquifer waste plume: a possible example of contamination driven calcite precipitation
KJ Tobin, FS Colwell, TC Onstott, R Smith
Chemical Geology 169 (3-4), 449-460, 2000
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