Towards dynamic monitoring of WS-BPEL processes L Baresi, S Guinea Service-Oriented Computing-ICSOC 2005: Third International Conference …, 2005 | 435 | 2005 |
Smart monitors for composed services L Baresi, C Ghezzi, S Guinea Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Service oriented …, 2004 | 316 | 2004 |
A fault taxonomy for web service composition KSM Chan, J Bishop, J Steyn, L Baresi, S Guinea Service-Oriented Computing-ICSOC 2007 Workshops: ICSOC 2007, International …, 2009 | 173 | 2009 |
Self-supervising bpel processes L Baresi, S Guinea IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 37 (2), 247-263, 2010 | 168 | 2010 |
Self-healing BPEL processes with Dynamo and the JBoss rule engine L Baresi, S Guinea, L Pasquale International workshop on Engineering of software services for pervasive …, 2007 | 166 | 2007 |
WS-Policy for service monitoring L Baresi, S Guinea, P Plebani International Workshop on Technologies for E-Services, 72-83, 2005 | 150 | 2005 |
Validation of web service compositions L Baresi, D Bianculli, C Ghezzi, S Guinea, P Spoletini IET software 1 (6), 219-232, 2007 | 124 | 2007 |
A discrete-time feedback controller for containerized cloud applications L Baresi, S Guinea, A Leva, G Quattrocchi Proceedings of the 2016 24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on …, 2016 | 123 | 2016 |
Service-oriented dynamic software product lines L Baresi, S Guinea, L Pasquale Computer 45 (10), 42-48, 2012 | 110 | 2012 |
Run-time monitoring in service-oriented architectures C Ghezzi, S Guinea Test and analysis of web services, 237-264, 2007 | 110 | 2007 |
A unified model for the mobile-edge-cloud continuum L Baresi, DF Mendonça, M Garriga, S Guinea, G Quattrocchi ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 19 (2), 1-21, 2019 | 101 | 2019 |
Dynamo+ astro: An integrated approach for bpel monitoring L Baresi, S Guinea, M Pistore, M Trainotti 2009 IEEE International Conference on Web Services, 230-237, 2009 | 85 | 2009 |
Comprehensive monitoring of BPEL processes L Baresi, S Guinea, O Nano, G Spanoudakis IEEE Internet Computing 14 (3), 50-57, 2010 | 77 | 2010 |
A comparison framework for runtime monitoring approaches R Rabiser, S Guinea, M Vierhauser, L Baresi, P Grünbacher Journal of Systems and Software 125, 309-321, 2017 | 75 | 2017 |
Multi-layered monitoring and adaptation S Guinea, G Kecskemeti, A Marconi, B Wetzstein International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, 359-373, 2011 | 74 | 2011 |
Interoperability for searching learning object repositories: the ProLearn query language S Ternier, D Massart, A Campi, S Guinea, S Ceri, E Duval D-Lib Magazine 14 (1), 2008 | 73 | 2008 |
Dynamo: Dynamic monitoring of WS-BPEL processes L Baresi, S Guinea International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, 478-483, 2005 | 70 | 2005 |
Event-based multi-level service monitoring L Baresi, S Guinea 2013 IEEE 20th International Conference on Web Services, 83-90, 2013 | 67 | 2013 |
A fuzzy extension of the XPath query language A Campi, E Damiani, S Guinea, S Marrara, G Pasi, P Spoletini Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 33, 285-305, 2009 | 65 | 2009 |
Towards self-healing service compositions L Baresi, C Ghezzi, S Guinea Proceedings of PRISE 4, 11-20, 2004 | 64 | 2004 |