Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Khaled ShaalanLes mer
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Arabic word generation and modelling for spell checking.
K Shaalan, M Attia, P Pecina, Y Samih, J van Genabith
LREC, 719-725, 2012
Mandater: Science Foundation Ireland
Improved spelling error detection and correction for Arabic
M Attia, P Pecina, Y Samih, K Shaalan, J Van Genabith
Proceedings of COLING 2012: Posters, 103-112, 2012
Mandater: Science Foundation Ireland
Autism detection of mri brain images using hybrid deep cnn with dm-resnet classifier
S Jain, HK Tripathy, S Mallik, H Qin, Y Shaalan, K Shaalan
IEEE Access 11, 117741-117751, 2023
Mandater: US National Science Foundation
Arabic spelling error detection and correction
M Attia, P Pecina, Y Samih, K Shaalan, J Van Genabith
Natural Language Engineering 22 (5), 751-773, 2016
Mandater: German Research Foundation, Science Foundation Ireland, Irish Research Council
The floating Arabic dictionary: an automatic method for updating a lexical database through the detection and lemmatization of unknown words
M Attia, Y Samih, K Shaalan, J Van Genabith
Proceedings of COLING 2012, 83-96, 2012
Mandater: Science Foundation Ireland
Uncovering the critical drivers of blockchain sustainability in higher education using a deep learning-based hybrid SEM-ANN approach
M AlShamsi, M Al-Emran, T Daim, MA Al-Sharafi, G Bolatan, K Shaalan
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2024
Mandater: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US Department of …
Automatic Extraction and Evaluation of Arabic LFG Resources.
M Attia, K Shaalan, L Tounsi, J van Genabith
LREC, 1947-1954, 2012
Mandater: Science Foundation Ireland
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