Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Alexander Van CraenLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelig noe sted: 1
A comparison of sycl, opencl, cuda, and openmp for massively parallel support vector machine classification on multi-vendor hardware
M Breyer, A Van Craen, D Pflüger
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on OpenCL, 1-12, 2022
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 3
PLSSVM: A (multi-) gpgpu-accelerated least squares support vector machine
A Van Craen, M Breyer, D Pflüger
2022 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2022
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Leveraging the compute power of two HPC systems for higher-dimensional grid-based simulations with the widely-distributed sparse grid combination technique
T Pollinger, A Van Craen, C Niethammer, M Breyer, D Pflüger
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2023
Mandater: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Performance Evolution of Different SYCL Implementations based on the Parallel Least Squares Support Vector Machine Library
M Breyer, A Van Craen, D Pflüger
Proceedings of the 2023 International Workshop on OpenCL, 1-12, 2023
Mandater: German Research Foundation
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