Mikhail I. Lomaev (Михаил Иванович Ломаев)
Mikhail I. Lomaev (Михаил Иванович Ломаев)
Institute of High Current Electronics, SB RAS ; TSU
Verifisert e-postadresse på loi.hcei.tsc.ru
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Generation of supershort avalanche electron beams and formation of diffuse discharges in different gases at high pressure
VF Tarasenko, EK Baksht, AG Burachenko, ID Kostyrya, MI Lomaev, ...
Plasma Devices and Operations 16 (4), 267-298, 2008
Эксилампы—эффективные источники спонтанного УФ-и ВУФ-излучения
МИ Ломаев, ВС Скакун, ЭА Соснин, ВФ Тарасенко, ДВ Шитц, ...
Успехи физических наук 173 (2), 201-217, 2003
Excilamps: efficient sources of spontaneous UV and VUV radiation
MI Lomaev, VS Skakun, EA Sosnin, VF Tarasenko, DV Shitts, MV Erofeev
Physics-Uspekhi 46 (2), 193, 2003
Runaway electrons preionized diffuse discharges
VF Tarasenko, EK Baksht, DV Ryhka, MI Lomaev
New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2015
Runaway-electron-preionized diffuse discharge at atmospheric pressure and its application
EH Baksht, AG Burachenko, ID Kostyrya, MI Lomaev, DV Rybka, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42 (18), 185201, 2009
Spark discharge formation in an inhomogeneous electric field under conditions of runaway electron generation
T Shao, VF Tarasenko, C Zhang, MI Lomaev, DA Sorokin, P Yan, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 111 (2), 2012
Subnanosecond breakdown in high-pressure gases
GV Naidis, VF Tarasenko, NY Babaeva, MI Lomaev
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 27 (1), 013001, 2018
Ультрафиолетовые и вакуумно-ультрафиолетовые эксилампы: физика, техника и применения
АМ Бойченко, АМ Бойченко, МИ Ломаев, АН Панченко, ЭА Соснин, ...
STT Publishing, 2011
VF Tara senko, DV Shitts, and MV Erofeev
MI Lomaev, VS Skakun, EA Sosnin
Usp. Fiz. Nauk 173 (2), 201, 2003
Capacitive and barrier discharge excilamps and their applications (Review)
MI Lomaev, EA Sosnin, VF Tarasenko, DV Shits, VS Skakun, MV Erofeev, ...
Instruments and experimental techniques 49, 595-616, 2006
Application of dynamic displacement current for diagnostics of subnanosecond breakdowns in an inhomogeneous electric field
T Shao, VF Tarasenko, C Zhang, AG Burachenko, DV Rybka, ID Kostyrya, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 84 (5), 2013
Time behaviour of discharge current in case of nanosecond-pulse surface dielectric barrier discharge
T Shao, H Jiang, C Zhang, P Yan, MI Lomaev, VF Tarasenko
Europhysics Letters 101 (4), 45002, 2013
Xe (He)-I2 glow and capacitive discharge excilamps
MI Lomaev, VF Tarasenko
International conference on atomic and molecular pulsed lasers IV 4747, 390-398, 2002
Excilamps and their applications
MI Lomaev, EA Sosnin, VF Tarasenko
Progress in quantum electronics 36 (1), 51-97, 2012
Modes of Generation of Runaway Electron Beams in He, , Ne, and at a Pressure of 1–760 Torr
VF Tarasenko, EK Baksht, AG Burachenko, MI Lomaev, DA Sorokin
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 38 (10), 2583-2587, 2010
Note: Measurement of extreme-short current pulse duration of runaway electron beam in atmospheric pressure air
VF Tarasenko, DV Rybka, AG Burachenko, MI Lomaev, EV Balzovsky
Review of Scientific Instruments 83 (8), 2012
Luminescence of crystals excited by a runaway electron beam and by excilamp radiation with a peak wavelength of 222 nm
DA Sorokin, AG Burachenko, DV Beloplotov, VF Tarasenko, EK Baksht, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 122 (15), 2017
Study of emission of a volume nanosecond discharge plasma in xenon, krypton and argon at high pressures
EK Baksht, MI Lomaev, DV Rybka, VF Tarasenko
Quantum Electronics 36 (6), 576, 2006
High-pressure runaway-electron-preionized diffuse discharges in a nonuniform electric field
VF Tarasenko, EK Baksht, AG Burachenko, ID Kostyrya, MI Lomaev, ...
Technical Physics 55, 210-218, 2010
Supershort avalanche electron beams in discharges in air and other gases at high pressure
VF Tarasenko, EK Baksht, AG Burachenko, ID Kostyrya, MI Lomaev, ...
IEEE transactions on plasma science 37 (6), 832-838, 2009
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