Interface mutation: An approach for integration testing ME Delamaro, JC Maidonado, AP Mathur IEEE transactions on software engineering 27 (3), 228-247, 2001 | 375 | 2001 |
Introdução ao teste de software M Delamaro, M Jino, J Maldonado Elsevier Brasil, 2013 | 370 | 2013 |
Proteum-a tool for the assessment of test adequacy for c programs user’s guide ME Delamaro, JC Maldonado, A Mathur PCS 96, 79-95, 1996 | 295 | 1996 |
Establishing theoretical minimal sets of mutants P Ammann, ME Delamaro, J Offutt 2014 IEEE seventh international conference on software testing, verification …, 2014 | 221 | 2014 |
Mutation analysis testing for finite state machines SCPF Fabbri, ME Delamaro, JC Maldonado, PC Masiero Proceedings of 1994 IEEE international symposium on software reliability …, 1994 | 216 | 1994 |
Proteum/IM 2.0: An integrated mutation testing environment ME Delamaro, JC Maldonado, AMR Vincenzi Mutation testing for the new century, 91-101, 2001 | 114 | 2001 |
Mutant subsumption graphs B Kurtz, P Ammann, ME Delamaro, J Offutt, L Deng 2014 IEEE Seventh International Conference on Software Testing, Verification …, 2014 | 112 | 2014 |
Mutation testing applied to validate specifications based on petri nets SCPF Fabbri, JC Maldonado, PC Masiero, ME Delamaro, E Wong Formal Description Techniques VIII: Proceedings of the IFIP TC6 Eighth …, 1996 | 110 | 1996 |
Analyzing the validity of selective mutation with dominator mutants B Kurtz, P Ammann, J Offutt, ME Delamaro, M Kurtz, N Gökçe Proceedings of the 2016 24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on …, 2016 | 108 | 2016 |
Integration testing using interface mutation ME Delamaro, JC Maldonado, AP Mathur Proceedings of ISSRE'96: 7th International Symposium on Software Reliability …, 1996 | 107 | 1996 |
Constrained mutation in C programs WE Wong, JC Maldonado, ME Delamaro, AP Mathur Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES), 439-452, 1994 | 86 | 1994 |
Introduçao ao teste de software JC Maldonado, EF Barbosa, AMR Vincenzi, ME Delamaro, S Souza, ... São Carlos, 23, 2004 | 85 | 2004 |
JaBUTi: A coverage analysis tool for Java programs AMR Vincenzi, WE Wong, ME Delamaro, JC Maldonado XVII SBES–Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, 79-84, 2003 | 75 | 2003 |
Proteum/FSM: a tool to support finite state machine validation based on mutation testing SCPF Fabbri, JC Maldonado, ME Delamaro Proceedings. SCCC'99 XIX International Conference of the Chilean Computer …, 1999 | 75 | 1999 |
Designing deletion mutation operators ME Delamaro, J Offutt, P Ammann 2014 IEEE Seventh International Conference on Software Testing, Verification …, 2014 | 74 | 2014 |
Proteum: A family of tools to support specification and program testing based on mutation JC Maldonado, ME Delamaro, SCPF Fabbri, A da Silva Simão, T Sugeta, ... Mutation testing for the new century, 113-116, 2001 | 69 | 2001 |
Establishing structural testing criteria for java bytecode AMR Vincenzi, ME Delamaro, JC Maldonado, WE Wong Software: practice and experience 36 (14), 1513-1541, 2006 | 67 | 2006 |
Coverage testing of Java programs and components AMR Vincenzi, JC Maldonado, WE Wong, ME Delamaro Science of Computer Programming 56 (1-2), 211-230, 2005 | 67 | 2005 |
Proteum-um ambiente de teste baseado na análise de mutantes ME Delamaro Universidade de São Paulo, 1993 | 67 | 1993 |
A strategy to perform coverage testing of mobile applications ME Delamaro, AMR Vincenzi, JC Maldonado Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Automation of software …, 2006 | 66 | 2006 |