Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Steffen MarxLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelige noe sted: 19
A strain model for fatigue‐loaded concrete
C Von Der Haar, S Marx
Structural Concrete 19 (2), 463-471, 2018
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Development of a resonant fatigue testing facility for large-scale beams in bending
S Schneider, R Herrmann, S Marx
International journal of fatigue 113, 171-183, 2018
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Experimental investigation on rail fatigue resistance of track/bridge interaction
C Kang, S Schneider, M Wenner, S Marx
Engineering Structures 216, 110747, 2020
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Wind-wave misalignment and a combination method for direction-dependent extreme incidents
A Hildebrandt, B Schmidt, S Marx
Ocean Engineering 180, 10-22, 2019
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Experimental investigation on the fatigue behaviour of rails in the transverse direction
C Kang, S Schneider, M Wenner, S Marx
Construction and Building Materials 272, 121666, 2021
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Dehnungsmessung bei mehraxialen Druckversuchen an Beton mittels faseroptischer Sensoren
K Speck, F Vogdt, M Curbach, Y Petryna, S Marx
Beton‐und Stahlbetonbau 116 (3), 212-221, 2021
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Ein additives dehnungsmodell für ermüdungsbeanspruchten beton
C von der Haar, S Marx
Beton‐und Stahlbetonbau 112 (1), 31-40, 2017
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Directional dependence of extreme load parameters for offshore wind turbines
B Schmidt, M Hansen, S Marx
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-15-323, 2015
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Einflüsse auf die Messunsicherheit von SHM‐Systemen und deren Kompensation am Beispiel von Laser‐Distanzmessungen
JH Bartels, D Gebauer, S Marx
Bautechnik 100 (2), 67-74, 2023
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Developing the chemical prestressing technology for textile carbon reinforced concrete
MK Dhahir, M Kalthoff, T Neef, D Friese, B Beckmann, C Cherif, ...
International Symposium of the International Federation for Structural …, 2023
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Data-based Conceptual Design of Offshore Jackets Using a Self-developed Database
H Qian, E Panagiotou, S Marx, E Ntoutsi
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-23-154, 2023
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Novel design strategies for material-minimized carbon reinforced concrete structures–overview of the research in CRC/TRR 280
B Beckmann, V Adam, S Marx, R Chudoba, J Hegger, M Curbach
International Symposium of the International Federation for Structural …, 2023
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Eisenbahngewölbebrücken in Sachsen
J Monka, G Schacht, S Marx
Mauerwerk Kalender 2022: Fassadengestaltung, Bauphysik, Innovationen, 443-462, 2022
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Technische Erweiterung und kulturelle Bedeutung von Eisenbahngewölbebrücken
C Pelka, J Monka, G Schacht, S Marx
2023 Mauerwerk Kalender: Instandsetzung Erdbeben Lehmbau, 191-242, 2023
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Photogrammetric image sequence analysis for deformation measurement and crack detection applied to a shear test on a carbon reinforced concrete member
F Liebold, S Bergmann, S Bosbach, V Adam, S Marx, M Claßen, J Hegger, ...
International Symposium of the International Federation for Structural …, 2023
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Mehraxiales Tragverhalten von hochfestem Feinbeton für die Carbonbetonanwendung
P Betz, K Speck, S Marx, M Curbach
Beton‐und Stahlbetonbau 118 (11), 815-825, 2023
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Bestimmung und Validierung von Materialparametern für die nichtlineare Modellierung von Beton
D Birkner, N Freybe, S Marx
Beton‐und Stahlbetonbau 119 (3), 190-199, 2024
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Explainable AI-based generation of offshore substructure designs
E Panagiotou, H Qian, M Wynants, A Kriese, S Marx, E Ntoutsi
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-23-045, 2023
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Distributed fiber optic sensors for measuring strains of concrete, steel, and textile reinforcement
K Zdanowicz, D Gebauer, K Speck, O Steinbock, B Beckmann, S Marx, ...
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 28
A brief review of developments and challenges for high-speed rail bridges in China and Germany
M Su, G Dai, S Marx, W Liu, S Zhang
Structural Engineering International 29 (1), 160-166, 2019
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China, German Research Foundation
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